Thursday, July 23, 2009

Funny Wedding Card Matter

Qui di seguito riportiamo il resoconto della cerimonia tenutasi a
Bergamo il 19 Luglio scorso per onorare i martiri uccisi dai

Eathquake Condolecence Quotes

Commemorazione stamattina a Bergamo per i tre Legionari assassinati per
mano dei partigiani. Tutti e tre crocefissi come Nostro Signore Gesù
Christ did not want to renounce their faith. The ceremony was attended by about
a hundred people, from ex-combatants to
auxiliary end to the many young people. Meet outside the cemetery for
then to the field where the dead are buried CSR
of Bergamo. Here a group of boys of good will has mounted a
gazebo to allow Don to celebrate Julius S. Mass
away from the scorching sun. Mass as usual and moving homily of Father Tam impreziozita
which as usual did not mince his
language. Then, the group of people moved in procession of a few tens of meters
to lay a wreath on the grave of Lt. Gino Lorenzi to
presenza della sorella e del fratello. Questa
cerimonia si è svolta in passato a Bienno presso il santuario di Cristo
Re dove, nel Ventennio, fu eretta una gigantesca statua del Cristo per
ricordare i "Patti Lateranensi" tra Vaticano e Benito Mussolini. Il
signor sindaco e il parroco del bellissimo paese camuno ci proibirono
di continuare a ricordare i 3 legionari in quel luogo che era il più
adatto.... La sede del cimitero di Bergamo è comunque adatta alla
commemorazione ospitando la tomba di Gino Lorenzi, ma si conta di
tornare al più presto al sacrario di Bienno.

Friday, June 19, 2009

Mackenzie's Planetsuzy

Gino Lorenzi, uno dei tanti giovani martiri, uno delle tante sacrifices on the altar of the Fatherland defeat. The unforgivable sin, that he had fought a losing war until the last day. Gino's sacrifice of his many comrades and was meant to celebrate the victory of the factions in a free and democratic Italy inesorabilmete but defeat and punished mercilessly by the haughty and arrogant enemy. Here is the brief description of the facts: After the war the
S. Lt. Gino Lorenzi had laid down their arms in the town of Oderzo and, with some comrades, he had walked home in Bergamo. Arriving in Ponte di Piave, the group was captured by a band of communist partisans and imprisoned in Breda di Piave. Hence, in the night between 3 and 4 May, the prisoners were brought to Mignagola Burgo paper mill where, having suffered harsh beatings and unspeakable torture, were shot. All but Gino Lorenzi. It showed off a religious medal around his neck and request to deny his faith opposed flat refusal. It was prepared a rough cross linking two tree trunks and the glorious "patriots" They told him that if he did not renounce his faith, that would be his fine.Il young officers of the battalion "M" Assault "Romagna" not trembled or pleaded salvation
"The Cross that Jesus Christ brought not to frighten a Christian" is merely to say that the first nail. Thus died

Gino Lorenzi, called by God and destined to become a symbol of supreme dedication and unsurpassed ineffable sacrifice for the Faith and the Fatherland.

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