Friday, November 26, 2010

Laser Sail Number Age

Opera and intellectual dishonesty of the King dives Censor This

The requirements for writing a good review of music
Austin poked

A review of the music is written first of all, without necessarily having listened well to the disk you want to review. Actually it is not necessary even hearing it all. But more important is to keep in mind that you need not be experts in music, because not everyone who writes good reviews heard a statistically significant number of disks. But even less is it necessary that the reviewer holds the sacred lantern of good taste. That is, non intendo dire che chiunque desideri scrivere una recensione lo possa fare. Questo no. Infatti, per farlo occorre avere pur sempre alcuni requisiti. Imprescindibili, indiscutibili, indispensabili, irrinunciabili requisiti che testimoniano la capacità di suscitare il giusto grado di coinvolgimento durante la lettura della recensione...

Continua qui.


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