Sunday, December 5, 2010

Teck Deck Play Game

Racquets da Neve in Val d'Aosta

December 4, 2010. Court de Bard m. 2261. From
Challancin m. 1610.
In fact we stopped halfway up the ridge from the Col of Bard is the point, because a long journey of ups and downs.
Yes! I converted, at least for some time, even with snowshoes.
That allows me to go to the mountains with friends who do not practice Alpine skiing and take the trip with much more calm. Environment
fabulous with so much snow in the middle of a pine forest. Beyond the pine forest of view of 360 degrees including Mont Blanc.
Check with cold, well below zero, which is maintained because the climb was to the north. Fortunately, no wind. The photos show the environment.

Click above for presentation.


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