Tuesday, March 1, 2011

9roof Monitor Dvd Player Mt1389de

20110301 - 20110228

Talk Bernanke reassures that the crude over 100 non-inflationary and lead to particular problems that the Fed will continue with its plan to QE. The ISM data, however, show that in the face of enhanced activity, including producer prices continue to rise to the level of 2004. Ben can not then to convince investors and the rumblings of problems in Iran did not make it easier to geo political scenario.
DJI -1.38% -1.57% SPX, Nasdaq -1.52% VIX 01.21 (+14.50%)

The day started particularly well, with the crude oil that seemed under control, and reduction in geopolitical problems German and Chinese macro data pretty good. Then the problems in Iran and especially the fear that geopolitical problems can be extended to Saudi Arabia are back in the markets and the situation has become more tricky. A bit 'and a downgrade of profit taking on the banking sector did the rest.
CAC -1.05%, DAX -0.67%, +0.13% SMI, DJES50 -0.99% V2X 23.82 (+4.87%)

We are back above 100, not the JPY, but the WTI crude oil. If you can lay off staff to reduce costs, it is clearly not easy to buy less energy to reduce production costs. With the addition of geopolitical risk and any downgrade, the Nikkei scored a bad session, inter alia, with the JPY back below 82.
Nikkei -2.43%

Not that the other Asian markets, things are much better. Especially for those who have the currency "worst" to the dollar, rising raw material costs could become a serious problem. In addition, the increased costs in general make it less probabile le esportazioni verso i grandi consumatori europei e usa.
Hang Seng -1.77%, Straits Time -0.85%, Taiwan -1.23%, Shanghai -0.46%, Sensex --%

USDCHF 0.9273 (0.9312)
USDJPY 81.93 (82.21)
EURUSD 1.3757 (1.3811)
EURCHF 1.2758 (1.2863)
EURGBP 0.8477 (0.8487)
GBPUSD 1.6228 (1.6273)
GBPCHF 1.5050 (1.5154)

USD libor 3 mesi 0.31% (0.31%)
USA tbill 3 mesi 0.13% (0.13%)
USA tbond 5 anni 2.10% (2.16%)
Grecia 10 anni 12.04% (11.94%)

Oro 1430.32 (1414.70)
Greggio 100.32 (97.44)
SPGS Commodity 702.28 (690.85)
Baltic Dry Index 1262 (1251)

investors also realize then that perhaps a good chunk of the market is supported by the liquidity provided by the Fed and that logically, an increase in production cost will lead, sooner or later in an increase in consumer prices. At that point the Fed is unlikely to be able to support the policy "kyocera" (print money), with all that this entails.


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