Thursday, March 10, 2011

Sample Of Invocation Prayer

Agreement surprise - An earthquake

bad day for the U.S., which are facing global issues of Chinese exports, the downgrade of Spain before, and problems with internal applications for unemployment benefits, the deficit and the Consumer Comfort, all worse than expected. The surprise came with investors already nervous about the issue and North Africa "goes down heavy, both on cyclical stocks and those related to raw materials.
DJI -1.87% -1.89% SPX, Nasdaq -1.65% VIX 21.88 (+8.21%)

Even the Europeans are concerned about the problems of the slowdown in Chinese growth, but must deal other: a downgrade on Spain mainly related to the funding requirements of banks. But not only are the English banks to need capital, rumors say that Commerzbank (-2.64%) needs at least 7 of my euro. A couple of useful reviews of the rest.
CAC -0.75%, DAX -0.96%, -0.65% SMI, DJES50 -0.86% V2X 24.14 (+2.81%)

We lack only the earthquake: the session was already half compromised on U.S. data and by the negative performance of other markets. In the final session, the buildings of the financial district of Tokyo were hit by an earthquake and the government was quick to give a tsunami warning. Rapid descent over 100 punti dell'indice in reazione alla notizia
Nikkei -1.72%

Mercati asiatici incerti, alle prese con un'economia USA che pone qualche dubbio e i problemi di inflazione interni. Qualche disordine in arabia saudita non ha fatto altro che complicare ulteriormente il quadro di una situazione giĆ  particolare.
Hang Seng -0.75%, Straits Time -0.84%, Taiwan -0.87%, Shanghai +0.16%, Sensex -0.83%

USDCHF 0.9324 (0.9318)
USDJPY 83.20 (82.85)
EURUSD 1.3809 (1.3870)
EURCHF 1.2880 (1.2924)
EURGBP 0.8600 (0.8577)
GBPUSD 1.6055 (1.6168)
GBPCHF 1.4987 (1.5066)

USD libor 3 mesi 0.31% (0.31%)
USA tbill 3 months 0.07% (0.09%)
USA tbond 5 years 2.03% (2.13%)
Greece 10 years 12.76% (12.90%)

Gold 1413.30 (1429.88)
Crude 101.89 (104.80 )
SPGS Commodity 707.19 (715.96)
Baltic Dry Index 1538 (1472)

Well, first there are concerns that oil rises too (because of unrest and war in Libya), then the oil goes down because the 'economy is slowing down. Before you worry that China will grow too fast, then you are suffering because the growth in China is slowing down.
But a bit 'of Prozac for all do not want to put it?


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