Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Symptoms Of The Black Death Plague

20110309 - Risk-on, Risk-off

There is already talk of rais Libyan aircraft in flight, but the fights (no more riots) went on, softening his enthusiasm. A downward revision of expected earnings from some companies have resisted the upgrade instead of DB on IBM (+2.21%). Eventually, the session was closed almost even.
DJI -0.01% -0.14% SPX, Nasdaq -0.64% VIX 20:22 (+2.02%)

full day PIGS, comments and rumors. First Libya, and maybe most important, issue of the Portuguese two years, went far less well than in January and Kraemer Moody's comments on a possible default of Greece. Activities M & A on Iberdrola Ren (+10.96%) and Tognum (+7.26%) made it possible to compensate for a rather intricate situation, limiting the damage.
CAC -0.55%, DAX -0.46%, -0.99% SMI, DJES50 -0.35% V2X 23:48 (+0.10%)

Japanese investors to decide the risk-offs via the risk, the situation Libya is still too complicated and the impact on the Japanese economy and its exports could be important. Bad day then in the securities of the nikkei who present with a bad session after 3 positive.
Nikkei -1.46%

not much better Asian markets, however, compared with the risks on commodity prices, particularly energy, which would result in price risks of agricultural materials, sore point of many regional economies. To reduce the risk of inflation, Korea Remodeling interest rates upward, raising the problems of rising interest rates, shares fall in recent months.
Hang Seng -0.50%, Straits Time -0.60%, Taiwan -1.22%, Shanghai -1.14%, Sensex -0.76%

FX USDCHF 0.9318 (0.9364)
USDJPY 82.85 (82.89)
EURUSD 1.3870 (1.3885)
EURCHF 1.2924 (1.3003)
EURGBP 0.8577 (0.8600)
GBPUSD 1.6168 (1.6144)
GBPCHF 1.5066 (1.5117)

USD Libor 3 months 0.31% (0.31%)
USA tbill 3 months 0.09% (0.10%)
USA tbond 5 years 2.13% (2.21%)
Greece 10 years 12.90% (12.84%)

Gold 1429.88 (1426.75)
Crude 104.80 (104.30)
SPGS Commodity 715.96 (713.36)
Baltic Dry Index 1472 (1424)

"Risk-on, Risk-off, on a daily basis" is the comment of one analyst. It is the image of a market that does not seem to have found the key to the problem, on virtually any asset class, and investors who do not know how good or how much the risks of risky asset classes (equities and commodities) and whether those "risk free "or" low risk "are really such, whereas the government European mid-October to date, have lost 4% ...


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