Sunday, March 13, 2011

Bretel Can Butter Where To Buy

20110311 - 20110310

seemed everything were to go wrong, in the wake of the problems in Europe and the earthquake in Japan. Instead, Steel Dynamics (+3.92%) announced better forecasts and Valero (+6.31%) has done "shopping" of assets from Chevron (+0.86%). A few upgrades here and there allowed the U.S. indices closed the week with a positive session and "cut" the weekly losses.
DJI +0.50% +0.71% SPX, Nasdaq +0.66% VIX 20.08 (-8.23%)

Session disorientated by the terrible earthquake and tsunami in Japan. The entire insurance industry is making losses (-2.16%) with reinsurers Swiss Re (3.55%) and Munich Re (-4.28%) to suffer more. However, European politicians have gathered to "surprise" to discuss the rescue, with the consequent rise in greek index.
CAC -0.89%, DAX -1.16%, -0.79% SMI, DJES50 -0.89% V2X 24.71 (+2.37%)

Japan the Nikkei reopen despite the devastation of the earthquake and tsunami. The damage is so extensive with future problems SUPPLY (we report some blackout 'everywhere with 25% of energy generation destroyed), without factories, transport disturbed that investors do not think two times to download everything they can. This despite massive intervention by the BoJ.
Nikkei -6.18%

It's a little 'cynical, but with the Japanese firm factories, it is expected that factories in neighboring countries (Korea and Taiwan in particular) will be stressed further. This particular situation allows to the Asian markets to avoid following the Nikkei to arrive in mid-session in a dignified manner, in some cases even positive.
Hang Seng +0.07%, Straits Time -0.22%, Taiwan -0.56%, Shanghai +0.00%, Sensex +0.88%

FX USDCHF 0.9287 (0.9324)
USDJPY 82.11 (83.20)
EURUSD 1.3935 (1.3809)
EURCHF 1.2941 (1.2880)
EURGBP 0.8672 (0.8600)
GBPUSD 1.6069 (1.6055)
GBPCHF 1.4922 (1.4987)

USD Libor 3 months 0.31% (0.31%)
USA tbill 3 mesi 0.07% (0.07%)
USA tbond 5 anni 2.03% (2.03%)
Grecia 10 anni 12.81% (12.76%)

Oro 1424.65 (1413.30)
Greggio 99.77 (101.89)
SPGS Commodity 701.06 (707.19)
Baltic Dry Index 1562 (1538)

In anticipo di 2 settimane rispetto ai piani i politici europei iniziano a rivedere gli strumenti di salvataggio. Non arrivano all'acquisto di titoli sul mercato secondario, ma affinano comunque lo scopo del fondo di emergenza di 440 mia di EUR e il funzionamento dello stesso. L'obiettivo è evitare che il costo del credito stesso sia causa di fallimento. Nel we le prime reazioni degli analisti che si dicono comunque "Awaiting details."

Saturday, March 12, 2011

Mount And Blade Best Rifle Mod

Super Monkey Ball 3D Okamiden

Okamiden DS Okamiden is the sequel to Okami, the critically acclaimed game and released a few years ago for Wii and PS2. The protagonist this time is a puppy but has the same powers as his predecessor. This fantasy action-adventure game for Nintendo DS is a game created by Capcom.
This new venture is characterized by an even more fun made possible by the many mini-games present in it, and the presence of new characters each with its own personal history.
Above we showed you the cover of Okamiden, while below we show the video with the trailer for this game for DS:

Adventure Games DS

If you like adventure games for DS then take a look also at Nintendo DS: The most beautiful of 2010 , Trick Ghost: Ghost Detective , CSI: Crime Scene Investigation: Unsolved Crimes , The Kingdom of Ga'Hoole: The Legend of the Guardians , Spider-Man: Shattered Dimensions , LEGO Harry Potter: Years 1-4 and The Lord of the Rings: The search for Aragorn .

Games of the week

These are the other reviews that we published this week: Secret Agent Clank , Sovereign: Kingdoms , Hyperdimension Neptunia , Dragon Age Legends , Jikandia: The Timeless Land , Gourmet Ranch, Knights Contract and Fit in Six .

A Diagram Of Joystick On Electric Wheel Chair

Ski-mountaineering in the Gran San Bernardo Valley

March 11, 2011 - Head of Crevacol m. 2610. From
q. 1700 ca. just before the bridge m. 1712, on St. Remy.
back to this point after many years , from a side other than the usual. Early exit
Friday 'because of bad weather from Saturday.
In fact it was a wonderful day for both the blue sky for the powdery snow. One small flaw: the many traces left by Ski-down Swiss Alp in this area make the crossing. But there were still spaces untouched.
In the first two photos are beautiful slopes paths. In the third
M. White is behind the hill of Malatrà. In the fourth
still down. In the fifth scene
from the summit runs from Fourchon to Pain de Sucre, the Hill of GSB, Cr. Combination and the Velan.
last dall'Emilius on the view, to failure, Grivola.

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Sample Of Invocation Prayer

Agreement surprise - An earthquake

bad day for the U.S., which are facing global issues of Chinese exports, the downgrade of Spain before, and problems with internal applications for unemployment benefits, the deficit and the Consumer Comfort, all worse than expected. The surprise came with investors already nervous about the issue and North Africa "goes down heavy, both on cyclical stocks and those related to raw materials.
DJI -1.87% -1.89% SPX, Nasdaq -1.65% VIX 21.88 (+8.21%)

Even the Europeans are concerned about the problems of the slowdown in Chinese growth, but must deal other: a downgrade on Spain mainly related to the funding requirements of banks. But not only are the English banks to need capital, rumors say that Commerzbank (-2.64%) needs at least 7 of my euro. A couple of useful reviews of the rest.
CAC -0.75%, DAX -0.96%, -0.65% SMI, DJES50 -0.86% V2X 24.14 (+2.81%)

We lack only the earthquake: the session was already half compromised on U.S. data and by the negative performance of other markets. In the final session, the buildings of the financial district of Tokyo were hit by an earthquake and the government was quick to give a tsunami warning. Rapid descent over 100 punti dell'indice in reazione alla notizia
Nikkei -1.72%

Mercati asiatici incerti, alle prese con un'economia USA che pone qualche dubbio e i problemi di inflazione interni. Qualche disordine in arabia saudita non ha fatto altro che complicare ulteriormente il quadro di una situazione già particolare.
Hang Seng -0.75%, Straits Time -0.84%, Taiwan -0.87%, Shanghai +0.16%, Sensex -0.83%

USDCHF 0.9324 (0.9318)
USDJPY 83.20 (82.85)
EURUSD 1.3809 (1.3870)
EURCHF 1.2880 (1.2924)
EURGBP 0.8600 (0.8577)
GBPUSD 1.6055 (1.6168)
GBPCHF 1.4987 (1.5066)

USD libor 3 mesi 0.31% (0.31%)
USA tbill 3 months 0.07% (0.09%)
USA tbond 5 years 2.03% (2.13%)
Greece 10 years 12.76% (12.90%)

Gold 1413.30 (1429.88)
Crude 101.89 (104.80 )
SPGS Commodity 707.19 (715.96)
Baltic Dry Index 1538 (1472)

Well, first there are concerns that oil rises too (because of unrest and war in Libya), then the oil goes down because the 'economy is slowing down. Before you worry that China will grow too fast, then you are suffering because the growth in China is slowing down.
But a bit 'of Prozac for all do not want to put it?


backcountry skiing in Val Germanasca

top of the list m. 2737 - From Indiritti m. 1623. I stopped to q. 2630 ca. because he was tired and behind schedule than others. Beautiful day. Cold start, minus 9 at the start, but then the temperature has risen a lot.
In the first moments of the climb with four photos of the tracks down the previous day.
the summit view from my last staging point. Snow
very nice for 2 / 3 then a bit of crust.

Click above for presentation.

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Symptoms Of The Black Death Plague

20110309 - Risk-on, Risk-off

There is already talk of rais Libyan aircraft in flight, but the fights (no more riots) went on, softening his enthusiasm. A downward revision of expected earnings from some companies have resisted the upgrade instead of DB on IBM (+2.21%). Eventually, the session was closed almost even.
DJI -0.01% -0.14% SPX, Nasdaq -0.64% VIX 20:22 (+2.02%)

full day PIGS, comments and rumors. First Libya, and maybe most important, issue of the Portuguese two years, went far less well than in January and Kraemer Moody's comments on a possible default of Greece. Activities M & A on Iberdrola Ren (+10.96%) and Tognum (+7.26%) made it possible to compensate for a rather intricate situation, limiting the damage.
CAC -0.55%, DAX -0.46%, -0.99% SMI, DJES50 -0.35% V2X 23:48 (+0.10%)

Japanese investors to decide the risk-offs via the risk, the situation Libya is still too complicated and the impact on the Japanese economy and its exports could be important. Bad day then in the securities of the nikkei who present with a bad session after 3 positive.
Nikkei -1.46%

not much better Asian markets, however, compared with the risks on commodity prices, particularly energy, which would result in price risks of agricultural materials, sore point of many regional economies. To reduce the risk of inflation, Korea Remodeling interest rates upward, raising the problems of rising interest rates, shares fall in recent months.
Hang Seng -0.50%, Straits Time -0.60%, Taiwan -1.22%, Shanghai -1.14%, Sensex -0.76%

FX USDCHF 0.9318 (0.9364)
USDJPY 82.85 (82.89)
EURUSD 1.3870 (1.3885)
EURCHF 1.2924 (1.3003)
EURGBP 0.8577 (0.8600)
GBPUSD 1.6168 (1.6144)
GBPCHF 1.5066 (1.5117)

USD Libor 3 months 0.31% (0.31%)
USA tbill 3 months 0.09% (0.10%)
USA tbond 5 years 2.13% (2.21%)
Greece 10 years 12.90% (12.84%)

Gold 1429.88 (1426.75)
Crude 104.80 (104.30)
SPGS Commodity 715.96 (713.36)
Baltic Dry Index 1472 (1424)

"Risk-on, Risk-off, on a daily basis" is the comment of one analyst. It is the image of a market that does not seem to have found the key to the problem, on virtually any asset class, and investors who do not know how good or how much the risks of risky asset classes (equities and commodities) and whether those "risk free "or" low risk "are really such, whereas the government European mid-October to date, have lost 4% ...

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Saudi Gay Prostitutes

20110308 - Gaddafi poised

Note: Yesterday technical problems have prevented the publication of the daily.

With rumors of the agreements in Libya and announcements of increased oil production by OPEC quota to make up for Libyan crude oil comes down a bit, removing the specter of an economic crisis caused by the cost of ' Energy (Roubini). Some interesting results and a bit 'of M & A between Sprint (+4.91%) and T-Mobile set the tone right for a good session.
DJI +1.03% +0.89% SPX, Nasdaq +0.41% VIX 19.82 (-4.07%)

The Libyans are good rumors to Europe where, however, continue the discussion on possible increases in rates (up to 0.75% during the year, according to Axel Weber). For the rest, the possible sale of T-Mobile USA by Deutsche Telekom (+3.95%) is an upgrade to the industry by Morgan Stanley. Eye Greece that he gets another downgrade by Moody's.
CAC +0.64%, DAX +0.04%, +0.24% SMI, DJES50 +0.48% V2X 23:45 (-3.93%)

Japan Japan is particularly sensitive to energy costs. A drop in crude oil prices mean so much. Some reports on the future of some companies (eg Toyota +0.41%) round out the framework for nikkei to bring a positive session losing streak after the ringed in recent days.
Nikkei +0.61%

other Asian markets also did well (though not enthusiastic), also grappling with the interest rate risk due to the inflationary problems. To give a little 'push positive there are still airlines, particularly affected by the price of crude oil.
Hang Seng +0.61%, Straits Time -0.38%, Taiwan +0.03%, Shanghai +0.29%, Sensex +0.04%

FX USDCHF 0.9364 (0.9252)
USDJPY 82.89 (82.26)
EURUSD 1.3885 (1.3976)
EURCHF 1.3003 (1.2930)
EURGBP 0.8600 (0.8601)
GBPUSD 1.6144 (1.6251)
GBPCHF 1.5117 (1.5030)

USD Libor 3 months 0.31% (0.31%)
USA tbill 3 months 0.10% (0.11%)
USA tbond 5 years 2.21% (2.17%)
Greece 10 years 12.84% (12.25%) (Moody's)

Gold 1426.75 (1437.85)
Crude 104.30 (106.02)
SPGS Commodity 713.36 (719.62)
Baltic Dry Index 1424 (1346)

Roubini repeated the obvious: the crude oil could drive back to 140 in recession, many states, as well as an increase in interest rates in EUR. Obvious, perhaps trivial, but it clearly emphasizes the problems of a global economy where some states want to try to devalue its currency to try to revive the economy.

Sunday, March 6, 2011

Stiff Neck Hard Swallow

20110304 - Oil yes, no oil

I dati macro non soddisfano pienamente, anche se su 192k nuovi posti non si sputa. Anche il tasso di disoccupazione scende a 8.9% ma gli investitori non ne restano particolarmente entusiasti. Nemmeno gli ordinativi alle fabbriche riescono a cambiare il "mood" di mercati che guarda piuttosto con molta preoccupazione il greggio oltre 104.
DJI -0.74% -0.72% SPX, Nasdaq -0.50% VIX 06.19 (+2.47%)

seemed to go okay during the session with some company information positive. The reaction of U.S. markets with data on employment and the price of crude oil, however, turns the table and then in mid-session, the indices point to the decline and no longer able to recover.
CAC -1.00%, DAX -0.65%, -1.04% SMI, DJES50 -0.68% V2X 23.64 (-1.24%)

Not only Crude Oil at 106 could give a headache to internal growth, but the cost of energy could take away "resources" of income to many other consumers around the world. So they think the Japanese investors who download the titles of various exporters and penalize the Nikkei.
Nikkei -1.76%

less extreme reaction in Japan to other Asian markets where there is however a strong dispersion. Shanghai trust the government's announcement about the driver of domestic consumption growth in the coming years, while in India the cost of energy seems to be more relevant e penalizza gli azionari
Hang Seng -0.34%, Straits Time +0.09%, Taiwan -0.80%, Shanghai +1.81%, Sensex -1.81%

USDCHF 0.9252 (0.9322)
USDJPY 82.26 (82.33)
EURUSD 1.3976 (1.3959)
EURCHF 1.2930 (1.3012)
EURGBP 0.8601 (0.8573)
GBPUSD 1.6251 (1.6280)
GBPCHF 1.5030 (1.5176)

USD libor 3 mesi 0.31% (0.31%)
USA tbill 3 months 0.11% (0.12%)
USA tbond 5 years 2.17% (2.29%)
Greece 10 years 12.25% (08.12%)

Gold 1437.85 (1416.45)
Crude 106.02 (102.41)
SPGS Commodity 719.62 (711.68)
Baltic Dry Index 1346 (1317)

Interestingly Trichet's announcement did not splash the value of the euro which was come down to an issue of interest rates, as the risk of PIGS. To date, the rates demanded by the market for peripherals, touch the highest in recent years but remains in the EUR area 1:40 against the dollar. We are again faced with a problem more political (EU summit) that economics and finance.

Saturday, March 5, 2011

Is The Winchester 1400 Any Good

Super Monkey Ball returns exclusively for Nintendo 3DS nuuova a version entirely in 3D. This is an action game created by Sega for 3DS and whose release date is scheduled for the end of the month.
This hilarious game has been a great success and thanks to the recent version of the iPhone for 2008 and this year returns with a version without the use of 3D glasses. There are three game modes which you can try: the classical mode 'race' and the 'fight'. As in the case of the iPhone, thanks to the gyroscope in this Nintendo 3DS, to move the monkey and roll the ball that is just simply tilt your console, being careful not to drop your pet friendly down in the ravine.
Above we showed you the cover of Super Monkey Ball 3D, while below we show the video with the trailer for this game for 3DS:

Action Games for DS

If you like action games for the DS then take a look also at Nintendo DS: The most beautiful of 2010 , Yogi Bear - The Game , Rapunzel - L'Intreccio della Torre , I maghi di Waverly: Spellbound , Penguins of Madagascar e Ben 10: Ultimate Alien: Cosmic Destruction .

Giochi della settimana

Queste sono le altre recensioni che abbiamo pubblicato questa settimana: Scooby-Doo! First Frights , Shadow Era , Yakuza 4 , Elemental: Fallen Enchantress , Gods Eater Burst , Monopoly Millionaires , Fight Night Champion e Major League Baseball 2K11 .

Seaworld Leather Bracelets

backcountry skiing in Val di Susa

March 5, 2011 - Our Lady of Cotolivier m. 2105. From Chateau
Beaulard m. 1387.
short and quick trip to the personal interests of some members who wanted to return soon.
beautiful but chilly weather which allowed the snow to remain powdery. Snow sciabilissima also because the snow was not too abundant. Just like snow to me. In the first two moments
photos of the climb.
In the last two in the parking areas near the chapel.

Thursday, March 3, 2011

Rogue States gun Show

20110303 - Warren, Ben, and then JC

spectacular session for the U.S. taking advantage of a new positive data on requests for unemployment, lower than expected, as the ISM manufacturing data better than expected. For a day of crude oil investors are forgotten and Libya, rather than looking with the slaughter happiness "shot" of Trichet, annusando la vittoria nella guerra delle valute.
DJI +1.59%, SPX +1.72%, Nasdaq +1.93%, VIX 18.60 (-10.14%)

Stava andando tutto magnificamente: dati positivi da parte delle società, la crisi libica in rapida perdita di "audience" e una BCE ad annunciare i tassi di interesse di riferimento di nuovo a 1%. Gli indici erano quindi al rialzo di oltre 1%, quando Trichet ha pensato bene di annunciare un possibile rialzo dei tassi già nei prossimi mesi, per combattere l'inflazione... ops. EUR decollato, mercati azionari a rimangiarsi buona parte degli utili giornalieri e obbligazioni in caduta libera.
CAC +0.66%, DAX +0.62%, SMI +0.11%, DJES50 +0.35%, V2X 23.93 (-2.70%)

Bene i dati macro USA, bene l'EUR a rafforzarsi sullo JPY, anche il dollaro poi, in fondo, si riporta oltre 82. Tutto positivo quindi per un mercato giapponese che continua a tenere sotto controllo la situazione libica e soprattutto il costo del greggio, ma che per la sessione può concedersi un bel movimento positivo.
Nikkei +1.02%

Non potevano essere da meno nemmeno gli altri mercati asiatici. Anche nel resto dell'Asia si teme l'impatto di un prezzo del greggio, e delle materie prime in generale sull'inflazione e la produzione industriale, ma l'onda entusiastica partita negli USA non lascia scampo. Positivi tutti i mercati regionali.
Hang Seng +1.19%, Straits Time +1.25%, Taiwan +0.53%, Shanghai +0.75%, Sensex +0.28%

USDCHF 0.9322 (0.9262)
USDJPY 82.33 (81.92)
EURUSD 1.3959 (1.3867)
EURCHF 1.3012 (1.2842)
EURGBP 0.8573 (0.8498)
GBPUSD 1.3280 (1.6318)
GBPCHF 1.5176 (1.5112)

USD libor 3 mesi 0.31% (0.31%)
USA tbill 3 mesi 0.12% (0.12%)
USA tbond 5 anni 2.29% (2.19%)
Grecia 10 anni 12.08% (12.08%)

Oro 1416.45 (1428.93)
Greggio 102.41 (101.47)
SPGS Commodity 711.68 (711.98)
Baltic Dry Index 1317 (1281)

Considerazioni After
Buffet and Bernanke, Trichet did not have really made a quiet sit ... and was able to say what he usually says: I'm going to raise rates. The reaction to an announcement of this sort is seen as well on the euro on equity and bond markets. Who knows what will happen when even Bernanke will be asked to make an announcement like that.

Does Sweat Smell Different Times Of Month

backcountry skiing in Valle di Susa

March 2, 2011 - Fair Lawn in m. 2311 - Since the beginning of road to Pian Gelassa m. 1310.

The beautiful snow in recent days has brought the raw material for our amusement. Unfortunately it took her too much and especially wet and heavy. So it was hard to beat uphill and downhill slide at all. The weather was very nice at the top and the bottom was a bit of fog.
In the first picture the fog at the bottom.
In the second and third two moments of the climb.
The fourth track downhill.
last scene above the mists.
Click above for presentation.

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Kate Playgrounds Office

20110302 - Beige Book

Despite the problems in Libya are being solved in a peaceful manner and the crude oil is again well above 100, the ADP data on labor are relatively benign (217k vs. 180k). The figure puts a little 'fear of what might be the decisions of Bernanke, but in the end is positive and the markets will benefit. The Beige Book Fed published later, shows a general improvement in economic circumstances.
DJI +0.07% +0.16% SPX, Nasdaq +0.50% VIX 20.70 (-1.48%)

data on U.S. labor can not revive the fortunes of the European market, particularly concerned about the costs of 'Energy and its data production cost, which rose more than expected. The hawks in the ECB will soon raise interest rates threaten to strangle the cost of recovery, especially in the already poorly developed peripheral countries. The results do not finally convince corporate investors.
CAC -0.81%, DAX -0.58%, -0.41% SMI, DJES50 -0.82% V2X 24.60 (+3.26%)

good data for U.S. workers mean more buyers for Japanese goods. Despite a JPY under pressure then, the Nikkei try to field a small rebound after the devastating previous session. Well then, in general, all exporters who drag the rest of the market.
Nikkei +0.89%

also good for Asian markets, which should, also, take the ugly previous session. Together with the U.S. ADP data, there are also indexes of production that enable Koreans to forget the tensions with his cousins \u200b\u200bto the north and lead to the KOSPI bounced 1.5%.
Hang Seng +0.99%, Straits Time +1.14%, Taiwan +1.37%, Shanghai -0.08% Sensex +0.21%

FX USDCHF 0.9262 (0.9273)
USDJPY 81.92 (81.93)
EURUSD 1.3867 (1.3757)
EURCHF 1.2842 (1.2758)
EURGBP 0.8498 (0.8477)
GBPUSD 1.6318 (1.6228)
GBPCHF 1.5112 (1.5050 )

USD Libor 3 months 0.31% (0.31%)
USA tbill 3 months 0.12% (0.13%)
USA tbond 5 years 2.19% (2.10%)
Greece 10 years 12.08% (12.04%)

Gold 1428.93 ( 1430.32)
Crude 101.47 (100.32)
SPGS Commodity 711.98 (702.28)
Baltic Dry Index 1281 (1262)

An interesting aspect of the market and how it more or less, to consider one problem at a time, respectively, a favorable one. There are many issues on the table of global finance: from heavy indebtedness to the imbalances between countries and their war of currencies, not to mention the new geopolitical risks. Yet, it seems that from time to time and discuss the market moves based solely on this or that.

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

9roof Monitor Dvd Player Mt1389de

20110301 - 20110228

Talk Bernanke reassures that the crude over 100 non-inflationary and lead to particular problems that the Fed will continue with its plan to QE. The ISM data, however, show that in the face of enhanced activity, including producer prices continue to rise to the level of 2004. Ben can not then to convince investors and the rumblings of problems in Iran did not make it easier to geo political scenario.
DJI -1.38% -1.57% SPX, Nasdaq -1.52% VIX 01.21 (+14.50%)

The day started particularly well, with the crude oil that seemed under control, and reduction in geopolitical problems German and Chinese macro data pretty good. Then the problems in Iran and especially the fear that geopolitical problems can be extended to Saudi Arabia are back in the markets and the situation has become more tricky. A bit 'and a downgrade of profit taking on the banking sector did the rest.
CAC -1.05%, DAX -0.67%, +0.13% SMI, DJES50 -0.99% V2X 23.82 (+4.87%)

We are back above 100, not the JPY, but the WTI crude oil. If you can lay off staff to reduce costs, it is clearly not easy to buy less energy to reduce production costs. With the addition of geopolitical risk and any downgrade, the Nikkei scored a bad session, inter alia, with the JPY back below 82.
Nikkei -2.43%

Not that the other Asian markets, things are much better. Especially for those who have the currency "worst" to the dollar, rising raw material costs could become a serious problem. In addition, the increased costs in general make it less probabile le esportazioni verso i grandi consumatori europei e usa.
Hang Seng -1.77%, Straits Time -0.85%, Taiwan -1.23%, Shanghai -0.46%, Sensex --%

USDCHF 0.9273 (0.9312)
USDJPY 81.93 (82.21)
EURUSD 1.3757 (1.3811)
EURCHF 1.2758 (1.2863)
EURGBP 0.8477 (0.8487)
GBPUSD 1.6228 (1.6273)
GBPCHF 1.5050 (1.5154)

USD libor 3 mesi 0.31% (0.31%)
USA tbill 3 mesi 0.13% (0.13%)
USA tbond 5 anni 2.10% (2.16%)
Grecia 10 anni 12.04% (11.94%)

Oro 1430.32 (1414.70)
Greggio 100.32 (97.44)
SPGS Commodity 702.28 (690.85)
Baltic Dry Index 1262 (1251)

investors also realize then that perhaps a good chunk of the market is supported by the liquidity provided by the Fed and that logically, an increase in production cost will lead, sooner or later in an increase in consumer prices. At that point the Fed is unlikely to be able to support the policy "kyocera" (print money), with all that this entails.

Monday, February 28, 2011

Japanese Whitening Cream Oprah

ISM vs. Oil - The Grand Old

Back the "grand old man," Uncle Warren, who announces his intention to do some 'shopping company. Although not a trader, if Buffett wants to buy, it means that companies are at an affordable price. Or so minded investors, with crude firmly above 95 is thrown on the markets, taking advantage of some upgrades here and there by the broker. The relatively low volatility returns.
DJI +0.79% +0.56% SPX, Nasdaq +0.20% VIX 18:35 (-4.53%)

A little 'because North Africa is now "old news" and the risk of a shortage of crude oil is was averted by the Saudis, a little 'because the macro data are not so horrible, a little' because companies continue to publish results with some surprise, a little 'for M & A or in this case with the IPO Siemens' Osram think the IPO, the market gets in good and excellent meeting place.
CAC +0.98%, DAX +1.21%, +1.12% SMI, DJES50 +0.94% V2X 22.71 (-1.68%)

Crude Down, down on the dollar and especially the JPY, with great joy and satisfaction of the usual exporters. Japan joins the Sigh of relief oil (not so much geopolitical) and places a great session with a better recovery combining company news (including upgrades, and rumors of big business) and a general framework is not bad.
Nikkei +1.22%

The picture is similar for other Asian markets. Increased optimism about the U.S. macro data, for M & A and the escaped threat of an energy crisis that would damage the fragile global economic recovery.
Hang Seng +0.06%, Straits Time +1.61%, Taiwan +1.49%, Shanghai +0.50%, Sensex +1.85%

FX USDCHF 0.9312 (0.9268)
USDJPY 82.21 (81.65)
EURUSD 1.3811 (1.3759)
EURCHF 1.2863 (1.2753)
EURGBP 0.8487 (0.8540)
GBPUSD 1.6273 (1.6111)
GBPCHF 1.5154 (1.4934)

USD Libor 3 months 0.31% (0.31%)
USA tbill 3 months 0.13% (0.12%)
USA tbond 5 years 2.16% (2.13%)
Greece 10 years 11.94% (11.88%)

Gold 1414.70 (1413.85)
Crude 97.44 (99.57) 690.85
SPGS Commodity (690.56)
Baltic Dry Index 1251 (1245)

In the frenzy of the market in recent days, the announcement of Buffett, acceptable or not, still sounds timeless. Already had surprised everyone when he bought the company in the midst of the chaos colossal railway in 2008-2009. Now it is back again, as the markets rebounded and a great deal and announces the intention to buy again. Sometimes the emotions and the good name counts more than anything fundamental.

Sunday, February 27, 2011

Broadband Cold Weather

20110225 - We are a bit 'more confident (?)

After all the tension due to crude oil above 100 USD, there's the emirs who promise to compensate the Libyan share. Crude falls between 96 and 98 and the fear that this might influence negative gross domestic product is a bit 'less. From the macro point of view, the GDP data released under the expectations, but this is blamed on the stocks. So the market took advantage of good data in consumer confidence to score a good session. The drop in voltage is detected also by the volatility.
DJI +0.51% +1.06% SPX, Nasdaq +1.43% VIX 19:22 (-9.85%)

Europe, too, "reads" the decline of crude oil as a signal to not having to worry too much about what going beyond the shores of the Mediterranean. It focuses on various corporate ads from Volkswagen (+6.18%) and its sales in China, rather than St. Gobain (+5.52%) for good growth forecasts or Italy Telecom (+5.16%) for announcements of increases in dividends. The good faith of U.S. data complete the picture.
CAC +1.51%, DAX +0.77%, +0.33% SMI, DJES50 +1.22% V2X 10.23 (-7.54%)

For once the Japanese ignore the JPY firmly below 82 and focus instead on operations of Mizuho Securities (+12.05%) announcing its intention to purchase subsidiaries. At the same time, some exporters took advantage of the level of public confidence in the U.S. Friday to mark good numbers: Toyota
Nikkei +1.86% +0.92%

With Taiwan closed for holidays (day peace) take advantage of other markets this level euoria U.S. and Japanese markets. Related to the oil companies also are looking with some interest the crude oil back above 99 and considered the situation in the Middle East as an opportunity to improve margins that do not have a problem.
Hang Seng +0.79%, -0.16% Straits Time, Taiwan -%, Shanghai +0.62%, Sensex +1.35%

FX USDCHF 0.9268 (0.9249)
USDJPY 81.65 (81.91)
EURUSD 1.6759 (1.3823)
EURCHF 1.2753 (1.2786)
EURGBP 0.8540 (0.8563)
GBPUSD 1.6111 (1.6144)
GBPCHF 1.4934 (1.4934)

USD Libor 3 months 0.31% (0.31%)
USA tbill 3 months 0.12% (0.12%)
USA tbond 5 years 2.13% (2.20%)
Greece 10 years 11.88% (11.86%)

Gold 1413.85 (1407.39)
Crude 99.57 (97.90)
SPGS Commodity 690.56 (681.99 )
Baltic Dry Index 1245 (1242)

Sometimes the cynicism of the market is so much to give sick. Throughout the week the markets have suffered from the Libyan crisis and the risk of a spread of violence in other countries, especially in the Middle East. Then, just that oil will drop a few dollars from the highest and the sun shines again? Yet in the news do not read that the Rais has been deposed, in fact, that even in Oman (next to Yemen) There are complaints ... and crude oil is again close to 100.

Safe At Home Brazillian

backcountry skiing in Val di Susa

February 26, 2011 - Col de Vallon Creux m. 2552.
Da Pian del Frais m. 1500 ca.
The hill is located between the Punta della Valletta and the Grand Pela.
climbed up the hill into the valley direct. Some are even then rose to Punta Valletta. E 'rise, however, preferable from the Hill of Valletta and off the side where we went we that lends itself to a nice downhill.
recent snow, a lot, but quite heavy. In some short crust.
A lot of people on this point and the nearby Ciantiplagna.
In the photos of the climb and arrival times of the hill.

Saturday, February 26, 2011

How To Twist Testicle

Radiant Historia

Radiant Historia DS I meccanismi di viaggio nel tempo truly unique and very creative combat system allows Radiant Historia to give a breath of fresh air as rigurda role-playing games for the Nintendo DS.
Pro: Being able to travel through time makes this game even more fun and intriguing. The story is well written. The combat system is unique. Even the outline of the main story battles are very exciting. The presentation of the game is very nice and nostalgic.
Cons: The player is allowed little freedom of exploration. Sometimes going back in time can be a bit 'boring.

This was the review for Radiant Historia, while one below is the video trailer questo gioco per DS:

Voto: 8

Giochi di ruolo per DS

Se vi piacciono i giochi di ruolo per DS allora date un'occhiata anche a Giochi Nintendo DS: I più belli del 2010 , Dragon Quest VI: Realms of Revelation , Kingdom Hearts Re:coded , Pokemon Ranger: Guardian Signs , Etrian Odyssey III: The Drowned City , Dragon Quest IX: Sentinels of the Starry Skies e Pokemon White e Pokemon Black .

Giochi della settimana

Queste sono le altre recensioni che abbiamo pubblicato questa week: Viva Dungeon, Raid Dungeon , Bulletstorm , The Darkness II , PSP Games of War: The most desirable , Glory of Rome, Star Wars The Clone Wars: Republic Heroes , Test Drive Unlimited 2 and Trackmania: Race to Build .

Inexpensive Wedding Invitations

Critics Feverish (February 2011)

Toro y Moi - Underneath the Pine , call Chillwave, Glo-fi, Andatetuttiacagare (as the dear Ivic ns), the fact is that although it is a floppy disk, it can be considered at all the effects of a pleasant experience not perpetration than the n = 2 plays.
Maceo Plex - Life Index , disco dance very traditional but also very pleasant. In the wake of the monumental Robert Owens.
Earth - Angels of Darkness, Demons Of Light 1 , nice idea but when you have perpetrated more than twenty years without adding or changing a comma, a bit 'my balls will be smashed.
Yellow Ostrich - The Mistress , cisputosù
Veil Veil Vanish - Change In The Neon Light , even if it is too nice for the Cure. Do listen to ignorant to impress friends.
Dirtbombs - Party Store , translate into rock electronic music has been done many times before, and as a big surprise that Mick Collins almost relish how he had discovered the most brilliant of all time. It seems to listen to the Rapture.
Apes On Tapes - Foreplays , beautiful they are Italians, who are looking good and beautiful that it put a free download. But no more.
The Low Anthem - Smart Flesh , what story is that an increasing number of bands seem to want to emulate Bob Dylan in his final years old by imitating her voice babbiona?
Telekinesis - 12 Desperate Straight Lines , pretty hard. I appreciate them because they remind me of Pinback.
Gil Scott-Heron and Jamie XX - We're New Here, looking very hard. Worth for the mere fact that the head of the rhythms of XX which is proving one of the best performers of electronic music of our time. And the fact that decides to remix the great Gil Scott can only increase the respect that we have already in its comparisons.
Akron-Family - ST II The Cosmic Birth and Journey of TNT shinju , bothers to note that there are still young people who now believe to replicate the spirit of 60-70 years
Rumer - Seasons Of My Sou , perhaps a bit 'too Dusty Springfield, perhaps a bit' too Bacharach, perhaps a bit 'too retro, but this album is very nice cmq.

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Tattoos With White Outline

20110224 - 20110223

again articulated a day. Crude oil above 100 in the morning really gets European fear the risks for the fragile economic recovery, macro data at 14.30 and do nothing but put the confusion: the unemployment claims drop below 300k, but orders for durable goods disappoint, in seriously if you exclude defense goods and transportation. Later also the new houses come under the expectations, but in the meantime the oil back to 97, easing the tension.
DJI -0.31% -0.10% SPX, Nasdaq +0.54% VIX 21:31 (-3.66%)

One Wake Up with the crude oil to 103 due to the total uncertainty generated by the situation in North Africa. Potentially positive for some sectors, critical for those who count on huge cash injection to support the market. The dividend payment of some major titles also "drug" the movement of the indices: for example, Novartis lost 2.65 CHF, but pays dividend of 2.20 CHF.
CAC -0.09%, DAX -0.89%, -1.61% SMI, DJES50 -0.20%, 24.99 V2X (--%)

The situation on the oil improves bringing some hope that economic recovery will continue, and the JPY, having sunk to 81.63, tries to get back at least to the 82, giving a bit 'of oxygen to the exporters. With great timing, Credit Suisse enhances its forecast for Toyota (+2.18%), giving the meeting a positive picture.
Nikkei +0.71%

Well the other Asian markets. Again, everything revolves around the price of crude oil and to take advantage of the return below 100 are the titles that had suffered most in recent days as airlines.
Hang Seng +1.46%, Straits Time +1.15%, Taiwan +0.68%, Shanghai -0.43%, Sensex +0.53%

FX USDCHF 0.9249 (0.9285)
USDJPY 81.91 (82.07)
EURUSD 1.3823 (1.3753)
EURCHF 1.2786 (1.2770)
EURGBP 0.8563 (0.8481)
GBPUSD 1.3144 (1.6213)
GBPCHF 1.4934 (1.5057)

USD Libor 3 months 0.31% (0.31%)
USA tbill 3 months 0.12% (0.11%)
USA tbond 5 years 2.20% (2.18%)
Greece 10 years 11.86% (11.75%)

Gold 1407.39 (1409.00)
Crude 97.90 (99.06)
SPGS Commodity 681.99 (684.91)
Baltic Dry Index 1242 (1253)

The price of raw materials is a big problem: if the impact of materials agricultural commodities on inflation in developed economies is relatively low (at least compared to emerging economies), the price of energy means a few extra problems, especially in Europe and USA where the massive amount of liquidity immessa nel sistema deve essere monitorata con particolare attenzione dalle banche centrali per evitare che si trasformi in forte inflazione.

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Watch Southpark Online For Free

Oil - Crude Oil at 100!

Non bastavano i problemi nel nord Africa... ci voleva anche una HP (-9.62%) ad annunciare risultati così così, una Ford (-2.43%) a dover richiamare oltre 100k veicoli e la paura che il greggio al rialzo potrebbe strangolare la ripresa economica (inflazione senza ripresa... brivido). A sostenere il mercato, ovviamente, i titoli legati all'energia, con un +1.94%, unico settore positivo.
DJI -0.88%, SPX -0.61%, Nasdaq -0.94%, VIX 22.13 (+6.39% !!!)

Giornata di nuovo complex in European markets. In Libya, the insurgency continues and there are fears the domino effect on other countries of the region (in addition to those critics). Unlike the U.S., Europe weighs negatively basic materials sector, because of the problems present in the active areas at risk. OMV (-5.83%) is just one of several examples, but there are also mines suffer. Swiss holds only the index, thanks to super defensive like Novartis, Roche and Nestle.
CAC -0.92%, DAX -1.69%, +0.0% SMI, DJES50 -0.95% V2X 24.99 (+4.42%)

addition to the problems that are afflicting the North Africa, the returns to Japan problem analysis. The JPY is again used as currency of salvation (with the CHF), but with the JPY again very close to 82, for exporters things go wrong again. Obviously Japan does not even like to see the raw area 100.
Nikkei -1.19%

on the oil down and airlines and a lot of uncertainty. Asian markets, however, seem to take it less worse than the others and look to the future with some relief on U.S. markets, a slight recovery after the sharp falls of recent days.
Hang Seng +0.07%, Straits Time -0.07%, Taiwan +0.15%, Shanghai +0.32%, Sensex -1.35%

FX USDCHF 0.9285 (0.9378)
USDJPY 82.07 (82.67)
EURUSD 1.3753 (1.3692)
EURCHF 1.2770 (1.2840)
EURGBP 0.8481 (0.8459)
GBPUSD 1.6213 (1.6186)
GBPCHF 1.5057 (1.5179)

USD libor 3 mesi 0.31% (0.31%)
USA tbill 3 mesi 0.11% (0.11%)
USA tbond 5 anni 2.18% (2.15%)
Grecia 10 anni 11.75% (11.76%)

Oro 1409.00 (1398.74)
Greggio 99.06 (95.55)
SPGS Commodity 684.91 (670.26)
Baltic Dry Index 1253 (1279)

In questa situazione di crisi si notano diversi tratti "comuni" ad altre situazioni particolari. I tassi delle obbligazioni a lungo termine tedesche stanno scendendo, l'oro sta recuperando, JPY e CHF si rafforzano, gli azionari scendono and the spreads widen ... all classic signs of risk aversion. It is missing one: the dollar! and this could be another important signal.

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Interchangeable Garden Hand Tools

20110222 - 20110221

sentiment data at the beginning of the day seemed to sweep away the fears about the crisis in northern Africa, but the higher cost of oil has driven up world oil-linked securities, but in turn made fear that the higher cost will weigh on the recovery and brought down the price of copper. Some results below expectations by WalMart (-3.09%) and particularly HP (-0.9% in the day, -12% in after-market) have completed the picture of a really heavy day. Gaining volatility.
DJI -1.44% -2.05% SPX, Nasdaq -2.91%, VIX 20.80 (+26.60% !!!)

Seconda giornata di passione per i mercati europei dove gli occhi restano puntati alle sponde a sud del mediterraneo. Destano preoccupazione anche le navi da guerra iraniane che hanno attraversato il canale di Suez. Il greggio a livelli molto alti porta al ribasso i titoli delle compagnie aeree mentre in Italia un problema tecnico blocca l'apertura per ben 6 ore e mezza.
CAC -1.15%, DAX -0.05%, SMI -0.92%, DJES50 -0.96%, V2X 23.93 (+8.07%)

Anche i giapponesi sono preoccupati per l'escalation di violenza libica. Escalation che ha portato i prezzi del greggio a livelli tali da far pensare che impatteranno con la ripresa economica mondiale. Si finisce quindi con 4 titoli in perdita per ogni titolo in utile e come spesso accade, sono i titoli legati alle esportazioni a subire maggiormente.
Nikkei -0.80%

Sessioni più o meno tormentate anche sugli altri mercati asiatici, per gli stessi motivi che stanno spingendo gli investitori di mezzo mondo a mettere il piede sul freno e a scalare rischi dai portafogli.
Hang Seng -0.43%, Straits Time -0.65%, Taiwan -1.67%, Shanghai -0.05%, Sensex -0.12%

USDCHF 0.9378 (0.9474)
USDJPY 82.67 (83.34)
EURUSD 1.3692 (1.3588)
EURCHF 1.2840 (1.2873)
EURGBP 0.8459 (0.8404)
GBPUSD 1.6186 (1.6168)
GBPCHF 1.5179 (1.5317)

USD libor 3 mesi 0.31% (0.31%)
USA tbill 3 mesi 0.11% (0.09%)
USA tbond 5 anni 2.15% (2.19%)
Grecia 10 anni 11.76% (11.71%)

Oro 1398.74 (1400.40)
Greggio 95.55 (93.48)
SPGS Commodity 670.26 (657.62)
Baltic Dry Index 1279 (1295)

Il problema è che non si riesce nemmeno a "giocare a what if": difficile sapere se in Libia il governo riuscirà a reprimere la rivoluzione, se ci riuscisse gli impatti commerciali e il flusso migratorio, se non ci riuscisse, quale tipo di governo potrebbe instaurarsi e quale potrebbe essere l'impatto on other countries. Rather than risk their own uncertainty.
without neglecting the human problem, perhaps more serious than the cynicism of the market.