Sunday, February 27, 2011

Broadband Cold Weather

20110225 - We are a bit 'more confident (?)

After all the tension due to crude oil above 100 USD, there's the emirs who promise to compensate the Libyan share. Crude falls between 96 and 98 and the fear that this might influence negative gross domestic product is a bit 'less. From the macro point of view, the GDP data released under the expectations, but this is blamed on the stocks. So the market took advantage of good data in consumer confidence to score a good session. The drop in voltage is detected also by the volatility.
DJI +0.51% +1.06% SPX, Nasdaq +1.43% VIX 19:22 (-9.85%)

Europe, too, "reads" the decline of crude oil as a signal to not having to worry too much about what going beyond the shores of the Mediterranean. It focuses on various corporate ads from Volkswagen (+6.18%) and its sales in China, rather than St. Gobain (+5.52%) for good growth forecasts or Italy Telecom (+5.16%) for announcements of increases in dividends. The good faith of U.S. data complete the picture.
CAC +1.51%, DAX +0.77%, +0.33% SMI, DJES50 +1.22% V2X 10.23 (-7.54%)

For once the Japanese ignore the JPY firmly below 82 and focus instead on operations of Mizuho Securities (+12.05%) announcing its intention to purchase subsidiaries. At the same time, some exporters took advantage of the level of public confidence in the U.S. Friday to mark good numbers: Toyota
Nikkei +1.86% +0.92%

With Taiwan closed for holidays (day peace) take advantage of other markets this level euoria U.S. and Japanese markets. Related to the oil companies also are looking with some interest the crude oil back above 99 and considered the situation in the Middle East as an opportunity to improve margins that do not have a problem.
Hang Seng +0.79%, -0.16% Straits Time, Taiwan -%, Shanghai +0.62%, Sensex +1.35%

FX USDCHF 0.9268 (0.9249)
USDJPY 81.65 (81.91)
EURUSD 1.6759 (1.3823)
EURCHF 1.2753 (1.2786)
EURGBP 0.8540 (0.8563)
GBPUSD 1.6111 (1.6144)
GBPCHF 1.4934 (1.4934)

USD Libor 3 months 0.31% (0.31%)
USA tbill 3 months 0.12% (0.12%)
USA tbond 5 years 2.13% (2.20%)
Greece 10 years 11.88% (11.86%)

Gold 1413.85 (1407.39)
Crude 99.57 (97.90)
SPGS Commodity 690.56 (681.99 )
Baltic Dry Index 1245 (1242)

Sometimes the cynicism of the market is so much to give sick. Throughout the week the markets have suffered from the Libyan crisis and the risk of a spread of violence in other countries, especially in the Middle East. Then, just that oil will drop a few dollars from the highest and the sun shines again? Yet in the news do not read that the Rais has been deposed, in fact, that even in Oman (next to Yemen) There are complaints ... and crude oil is again close to 100.


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