Thursday, February 17, 2011

Pcr Temperature Calculation

China and North Africa - Evolution Data

L'inizio è difficile. I dati macro pre apertura indicano un'inflazione leggermente più alta delle attese e più richieste di sussidio di disoccupazione del previsto. Più tardi però, arrivano i buoni dati della FED di Philadelphia sul quadro economico rispettivamente gli indici di fiducia dei consumatori, sempre negativo, ma meno peggio di prima. Grazie a qualche previsione di vendita migliorata, gli indici riescono a recuperare e a portarsi in territorio positive.
DJI +0.24% +0.31% SPX, Nasdaq -0.02% VIX 16:59 (-0.78%)

earnings season continues in Europe and in general the data are interesting. To spoil the party and keep the indexes around the same way, the new tensions in the Middle East with rumors concerning Iranian warships in the Suez Canal (later disproved, but so much so). The problems are being felt with strong CHF ABB (-3.32%) and Schindler (-6.12%) to complain about the problems.
CAC +0.03%, DAX -0.12%, -0.08% SMI, DJES50 +0.09%

If Japan fails to stabilize the JPY above 83.50, the Baltic Dry continues its rebound, with the idea that economic recovery will increase the demand for shipments. The various agents to sign and then put a good performance but the index is retained by the idea that some sectors like insurance, has risen a little 'beyond expectations.
Nikkei +0.06%

of Taiwan after a series of corporate results and forecasts, it is the turn of the macro data. These show, however, a growing economy and, for once, investors welcomed the news well instead of thinking about the rates. This is also thanks to the rising Won that would still mitigate any inflationary pressures. Well the other countries, apart from Shanghai, which rebates a bit 'performance in recent days.
Hang Seng +1.04%, Straits Time +0.75%, Taiwan +1.84%, Shanghai -0.92%, Sensex +0.05%

USDCHF 0.9501 (0.9587)
USDJPY 83.29 (83.58)
EURUSD 1.3598 (1.3573)
EURCHF 1.2921 (1.3013)
EURGBP 0.8412 (0.8427)
GBPUSD 1.6165 (1.6106)
GBPCHF 1.5360 (1.5442)

USD libor 3 mesi 0.31% (0.31%)
USA tbill 3 mesi 0.09% (0.11%)
USA tbond 5 anni 2.29% (2.34%)
Grecia 10 anni 11.80% (11.86%)

Oro 1384.70 (1377.60)
Greggio 86.17 (85.06)
SPGS Commodity 657.40 (653.89)
Baltic Dry Index 1292 (1271)

report only the interesting site and their application to sell the evolution of some economic parameters over time for different countries ... very interesting.


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