Sunday, February 13, 2011

Spongebob Quotes Invitation Words

20110211 - Egypt, GDP and Trust


News Egypt incoming sweep away the fears of investors who feel reassured by the data related to trust (75.1 vs 75) . It is a framework in which the majority part of the securities is at ease and only the few that are missing the estimate or revise forecasts downward suffer. These include Kraft (-1.47%) and Expedia (-17.05%), but otherwise, in general, is a feast. Egypt also removed the catch, the volatility returns to its lowest close in December.
DJI +0.36% +0.55% SPX, Nasdaq +0.63% VIX 15.69 (-2.49%)

News macro concern Egypt, where investors are confident that the military can rapidly put in place "everything." On the micro front, to make headlines is Nokia (-14.21%) with investors who do not appreciate (all) the agreement with Microsoft for operating systems. To Otherwise, the markets rely on U.S. news and announcements of car (sales in Asia) to recover the initial losses.
CAC +0.15%, DAX +0.42%, SMI +0.80% -0.04% DJES50

We are the usual. The market is enhanced because GDP fell less than expected (-1.1% vs -2.0%) but seems not to notice that the previous data has been increased from 4.5% to 3.3% ... so be it. The euphoria of the data on gross domestic product, the removal of fears of a crisis across the whole Middle East brings the index to a good performance earlier in the week.
Nikkei +1.13%

Hosni finally throws in the towel and leaves the country in the hands of the military junta. The situation "normalizes" and investors seem to like to go back to emerging markets in recent weeks unloaded in a hurry.
Hang Seng +1.47%, Straits Time +1.08%, Taiwan +0.88%, Shanghai +2.66%, Sensex +2.02%

FX USDCHF 0.9730 (0.9694)
USDJPY 83.18 (83.50)
EURUSD 1.3552 (1.3564)
EURCHF 1.3187 (1.3148)
EURGBP 0.8431 (0.8456)
GBPUSD 1.6073 (1.6041)
GBPCHF 1.5639 (1.5550)

USD Libor 3 months 0.31% (0.31%)
USA tbill 3 months 0.11% (0.11%)
USA tbond 5 years 2:37% (2.39%)
Greece 10 years 11:52% (11:41%)

Oro 1359.48 (1361.95)
Greggio 85.72 (87.20)
SPGS Commodity 562.93 (654.68)
Baltic Dry Index 1178 (1136)

Forse sono troppo pessimista, ma a me "il paese in mano alla corte suprema militare" non suona per niente bene. Probabilmente conosco troppo poco il ruolo dei militari in Egitto, ma dalle notizie risulta che siano stati loro a sparare sulla folla.
Interessante il fatto che i mercati abbiano letto la situazione in modo del tutto positivo. Non oso quindi pensare a quali fossero le alternative.


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