Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Informal Birthday Invitation Opening

20110216 - 20110215 Weather FED

U.S. macro data are not exceptional. Next to a start on real activity (in line with the contracts in December), it is also a setback for the industrial production and producer prices rise and the capacity utilization remains at 76% area, thereby influencing the world of work. The Fed said in the evening, however, more optimistic about the economic framework and a flow of M & A and some good results leading indexes upward, but together, the volatility.
DJI +0.50% +0.63% SPX, Nasdaq +0.67% VIX 16.72 (+2.14%)

New interesting day for the financial sector. SocGen (+4.86%) and drag all the good public sector (BNP published in the night, also good), she is accompanied by other titles such as Heineken (+3.12%). Tensions on pigs are reduced further by a doubling of the rescue fund and this allows banks from Spain and Portugal to join the party.
CAC +1.00%, DAX +0.19%, SMI +0.31% +1.04% DJES50

The outlook for the Fed is also the impact that despite Japan l'ascesa della Cina continua a trovare negli USA un grande sbocco per i propri mercati. Sono quindi gli esportatori a trascinare l'indice al rialzo, approfittando anche di uno jpy che pur un po' rafforzato "resiste" in area 83.60.
Nikkei +0.26%

Meno brillanti gli altri mercati asiatici nonostante il buon outlook USA. Da una parte persiste il rischio di un rialzo dei tassi, dall'altra, nonostante la maggior parte degli analisti continui a predire che gli emergenti sono il mercato del futuro, al momento le preferenze sembrano più rivolte ai mercati sviluppati che stanno, in parte, recuperando un po' del terreno perso.
Hang Seng 0.00%, Straits Time -0.42%, Taiwan -0.33%, Shanghai -0.31%, Sensex +0.28%

FX USDCHF 0.9587 (0.9628)
USDJPY 83.58 (83.70)
EURUSD 1.3573 (1.3524)
EURCHF 1.3013 (1.3022)
EURGBP 0.8427 (0.8369)
GBPUSD 1.6106 (1.6159)
GBPCHF 1.5442 (1.5558 )

USD Libor 3 months 0.31% (0.31%)
USA tbill 3 months 0.11% (0.12%)
USA tbond 5 years 2.34% (2.35%)
Greece 10 years 11.86% (11.80%)

Gold 1377.60 ( 1373.90)
Crude 85.06 (84.54)
SPGS Commodity 653.89 (649.77)
Baltic Dry Index 1271 (1236)

But really! if things go well in China, then the market goes down because The BoC will raise rates ... if things go well in the U.S., with the market already supported by tons of liquidity provided by the Fed, then the markets go? Ben will continue to pour billions into the coffers of the state even with good data? Some analysts began to think that the "goldilocks" (no liquidity and inflation) is almost over.


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