Thursday, February 3, 2011

Milena Velbablog Archive

Joan as Police Woman - The Deep Field

Come già Cat Power fece con You Are Free e soprattutto con lo splendido The Greatest , Joan Wasser esce dalle (magnifiche, intense e struggenti) paturnie post-adolescenziali e scopre il Soul. Il risultato è stupefacente: atmosfera sensuale e sudata, ritmica finalmente spesso e volentieri in the foreground, full-bodied bass, accordions seventies, almost non-existent plane, songs that make me want to follow the time with the clapping. Perhaps it is no coincidence that Joan, like Cat Power, the "conversion" took place after an album of covers, as if to confront the pieces of others had helped to open up the horizons of music and had stimulated the desire to explore new streets. It will appeal to hard-core fans of the first hour but The Deep Field, with an expression often used inappropriately, it's really hard to Joan of artistic maturity.


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