Thursday, February 10, 2011

Kate Playgrounds Streaming

20110210 - The contrarian

Quadro misto sui mercati USA dove, a fianco delle notizie dal medio oriente arrivano titoli molto buoni come Whole Food (+11.72%) e Goodyear (+14.31%) con ottimi risultati, mentre Cisco (-14.16%) e Akamai (-15.09%) che, evidentemente, non sono sulla stessa linea d'onda. Il mercato si barcamena quindi in una situazione tesa, aiutato però da richieste di sussidi per la disoccupazione inferiori alle attese.
DJI -0.09%, SPX +0.07%, Nasdaq +0.14%, VIX 16.09 (+1.39%)

Si parte male con AirFrance (-7.68%) e Credit Suisse (-5.82%) che pubblicano sotto le attese. Le cose sembrano mettersi male, ma Bank of England annuncia di voler mantenere tanto i tassi a 0.5% (ovvio) e di mantenere i vari stimoli all'economia. Assieme al movimento un po' contradditorio degli USA, indices fail to recover some losses.
CAC +0.11%, DAX +0.26%, SMI -0.30% -0.20% DJES50

closed for National Foundation Day "
Nikkei -%

The latest developments with the Egyptians "I go, even that, but maybe" not good for sentiment in emerging countries. Then just a couple of results below expectations indices such as the one to bring Taiwan to score one of the worst weeks for some time. Only Shanghai, particularly badly affected in recent weeks, he manages to stay afloat. Scroll through the year to date performance of the Asian countries put grief. (India -15.5%, -9.4% Indonesia, Philippines -10.8% Thailand -8.9%)
Hang Seng -0.28%, Straits Time -1.09%, Taiwan -2.57%, Shanghai +0.26%, Sensex -0.74%

FX USDCHF 0.9694 (0.9596)
USDJPY 83.50 (82.58)
EURUSD 1.3564 (1.3692)
EURCHF 1.3148 (1.3138)
EURGBP 0.8456 (0.8504)
GBPUSD 1.6041 (1.6101)
GBPCHF 1.5550 (1.5450)

USD Libor 3 months 0.31% (0.31%)
USA tbill 3 months 0.11% (0.13%)
USA tbond 5 years 2.39% (2.32%)
Greece 10 years 11:41% (11.26%)

Gold 1361.95 (1361.65)
Crude 87.20 (86.92)
SPGS Commodity 654.68 (654.55) Baltic Dry
Index 1136 (1092)

Considerations There is one aspect a bit 'worrying score that has always been ultra conservative to demand hours to increase the share equity. I wonder if it is a signal "contrarian." Obviously there are no real "rational", but in my brief experience, when asked superconservativi increase the risk, then things got complicated. At the same time, the reports say that the institutional (mutual funds, hedge, ...) are instead pulling the oars. mah ...


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