Saturday, February 12, 2011

Sample Home Page Of Any Famous Person

PJ Harvey - Let England Shake

reactions to my text messages sent to multiple addresses in which he writes:
"Last PJ Harvey is remarkable,"
Reply # 1: "Come on! I never would have said "
Answer # 2: "Sure is not the usual pain in the ass?"
The same evening some call 'friends at my house, including a fair percentage of music connoisseurs. I try to see what effect "Let England Shake" making it play on my stereo without telling them what it is.
After a couple of tracks someone wakes up from the lethargic effects of beer and asks, "What album is this? Very nice ..."
"I do not believe it," I say. "It 's the last of PJ Harvey"
"Noooo, come on. Impossible"
"I do not even appear to her. But that voice?"
"Eh eh"

remarks in the margin: "Let England Shake" does not resemble any of the discs produced to date da PJ, né a quelli del periodo d'oro risalenti al periodo dell'ormai perduta innocenza artistica e tanto meno a quelli noiosi del secondo periodo, rovinati dall'insensato tentativo di somigliare a Nick Cave. Tolti sporadici esperimenti vocali (come nel caso di "On Battleship Hill"), PJ ha una voce sorprendentemente simile a quella di Sheryl Crow. Il paragone, lo so, non è il massimo, ma l'effetto è comunque piacevole.


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