Monday, February 7, 2011

Beef Franks Sold In The Uk

20110207 - M & A costs and crazy (on credit)

The session is punctuated by a series of announcements of acquisitions: Danaher Beckman Coulter (+9.95%), ENSCO on Pride International (+15.73%) and Berkshire on Wesco (+1.79%). These listings have been added to the "usual" corporate results, and confirmation of component sales of several companies, consumer credit literally exploded with growth of over 6 billion (expected little more than 2).
DJI +0.57% +0.62% SPX, Nasdaq +0.47% VIX 16:28 (+2.20%)

A good set of results positive corporate and / or ad support the expected growth of the European market, which scored a new session high. Solarworld (+6.65%) on results and increased dividends, Adidas (+3.64%) on future sales in China, Umeco (+4.87%) on the sale of a subsidiary. All despite an unexpected drop in orders to factories in Germany.
CAC +1.08%, DAX +0.93%, SMI +0.41% +0.93% DJES50

On Japan Japan posed the same scenario as in European markets: upgrade from CS on KDDI (+5.96%) and raised expectations of Nippon Meat Packers (+6.24 %)... and so on. The less than brilliant performance in emerging markets prevents all'indice di fare di più
Nikkei +0.41%

Quadro meno ottimistico sui mercati asiatici dove dal Giappone e l'Australia arrivano buone notizie, molto meno dai tecnologici taiwanes dove tanto Gigabyte (-3.57%) e Asus (flat, ma arrivata a perdere 2.3%) sono alle prese con i chip difettosi di Intel. Continuano i problemi per l'India dove dai massimi di novembre, l'indice è arrivato a perdere quasi il 15%, soprattutto per il controllo dell'inflazione e il rialzo dei tassi.
Hang Seng -0.46%, Straits Time -0.28%, Taiwan -0.37%, Shanghai --%, Sensex -0.86%

USDCHF 0.9539 (0.9548)
USDJPY 82.28 (82.25)
EURUSD 1.3624 (1.3607)
EURCHF 1.2995 (1.2992)
EURGBP 0.8437 (0.8431)
GBPUSD 1.6146 (1.6138)
GBPCHF 1.5399 (1.5407)

USD Libor 3 months 0.31% (0.31%)
USA tbill 3 months 0.14% (0.14% )
USA tbond 5 years 2.29% (2.30%)
Greece 10 years 11.05% (10.95%)

Gold 1351.05 (1347.07)
Crude 87.45 (89.20)
SPGS Commodity 645.86 (648.13)
Baltic Dry Index 1045 (1043)

Considerations 6.1
my increase of U.S. consumer credit, much of which "revolving" (where the warranty is the entire estate of the debtor)! Wells Fargo motivates him to drop demands for subsidies and most confidence in their finances, which contrasts a bit 'with the reports that you read about how bad things are for ordinary citizens. At the same time, perhaps more interestingly, the debt to income has fallen to the levels in 1997 (from 24% to 21%). We are still far from 16% -18% that was seen between 1960 and 1995, but so be it: better than nothing.


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