Monday, February 14, 2011

Beard Laser Sculpting

20110214 - China, but what we consume?

We'll come back to China, providing data of great import and export, both exploded beyond expectations. The thought must be immediately to the amount of commodities that China needs to import, process and export in the form of products. On raw materials, all securities related business with Energy (+2.11%) and Materials (+1.03%) to remove all the others.
DJI -0.04% +0.24% SPX, Nasdaq +0.27% VIX 15.95 (+1.66%)

The picture is more or less similar to the U.S., with raw materials that make up the locomotive to the other sectors . Some difficulties for the financial sector back to reflect on the problems of the peripheral countries. Finally, a set of corporate results and upgrade / downgrade offers some 'noise' below. Egypt now seems a distant problem.
CAC -0.11%, DAX +0.34%, SMI +0.01% -0.20% DJES50

not only come the Chinese data, ma anche qualcosa sull'inflazione, che pur restando alta per gli standard occidentali (4.6%) è comunque nettamente inferiore alle attese (5.4%). Se ne vanno le paure di un forte restringimento monetario e torna l'idea di una crescita guidata dal colosso cinese.
Nikkei +0.20%

Il quadro è simile anche sugli altri paesi asiatici dove Shanghai, finalmente, si prende la sua rivincita. Sono meno brillanti Hong Kong e Singapore che vedono il tasso di inflazione cinese sì inferiore alle attese, ma comunque sufficientemente alto da portare ad una manovra sui tassi di interesse.
Hang Seng -0.45%, Straits Time -0.63%, Taiwan +0.42%, Shanghai +1.02%, Sensex -0.23%

FX USDCHF 0.9689 (0.9730)
USDJPY 83.54 (83.18)
EURUSD 1.3517 (1.3552)
EURCHF 1.3096 (1.3187)
EURGBP 0.8425 (0.8431)
GBPUSD 1.6043 (1.6073)
GBPCHF 1.5544 (1.5639)

USD Libor 3 months 0.31% (0.31%)
USA tbill 3 months 0.12% (0.11%) 2:37
USA tbond 5 years% (2.37%)
Greece 10 years 11:58% (11:52%)

Gold 1366.03 (1359.48)
Crude 85.21 ( 85.72)
SPGS Commodity 656.80 (652.93)
Baltic Dry Index 1206 (1178)

Basiel III effects are felt and Credit Suisse announced the arrival of its contingency bond. In general, high coupon risk and "only" in the event that some parameters of the budget falls below a certain threshold. Several interesting factors: in addition to the classic "but that parameter will never be so low" by investors eager for a good 80 CPN-style, up to the fact that the "trigger" will change the very parameters that trigger . Be followed carefully!


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