Sunday, February 20, 2011

Wrestling Promotion Generator

20110218 - 20110217

Again a difficult start, again because of the Chinese maneuvers, but this time the reserves, again a positive end, based on the earnings of Caterpillar (+2.42%) and some other companies, good course. The market does not let even discouraged by the socio-political problems in North Africa from possible problems with the Apple (-2.16%) or the companies related to agricultural commodities such as CF (-6.72%) want the risk of political control of prices, Look for the decline in Chinese demand.
DJI +0.59% +0.19% SPX, Nasdaq -0.21% VIX 16:43 (-0.96%)

flat market in Europe. China makes its mark and, unlike the U.S., there are no major companies to publish good results. Indeed: TomTom (-11.37%) announced a future rather flat, while Rentokil (-5.61%) publishes a loss. It's scary to even the announcement of the ECB (Lorenzo Bini Smaghi) about a possible rise in interest rates, and Trichet indicates that raising wages would be a grave mistake.
CAC +0.12%, DAX +0.29%, SMI +0.16% +0.11% DJES50

session rather divided on the Nikkei to grips with the rise in crude supports the various Inpex (+1.70%) and company tied black gold, some upgrades, but also the north African socio-political problems and add to the "Jasmine Revoluton" China (which we know little or nothing). Nikkei

Asian markets in any order. The move in China on the reserves without a bit 'all with a bitter taste, while the eyes remain focused on Africa's north, where China has made several investments in recent years. As always, any expected slowdown in China is reflected in the metals industry and in turn on all companies linked to the sector, from mining to aluminum producers.
Hang Seng -0.37%, Straits Time -0.42%, Taiwan -0.05%, Shanghai +0.90%, Sensex -0.19%

FX USDCHF 0.9466 (0.9501)
USDJPY 83.18 (83.29)
EURUSD 1.3669 (1.3598)
EURCHF 1.2939 (1.2921)
EURGBP 0.8422 (0.8412)
GBPUSD 1.6231 (1.6165)
GBPCHF 1.5365 (1.5360)

USD Libor 3 months 0.31% (0.31%)
USA tbill 3 months 0.09% (0.09%)
USA tbond 5 years 2.27% (2.29%)
Greece 10 years 11.72% (11.80%)

Gold 1395.25 (1384.70)
Crude 87.37 (86.17)
SPGS Commodity 657.62 (657.40)
Baltic Dry Index 1301 (1292)

Interestingly, the idea of Trichet: First let us not put the bill in the fact that a worker developing countries earn a fraction of a worker in the developed countries, then devalue the currency to try to get back to being competitive, then when the price of raw materials inizia a farsi sentire e probabilmente si trasformerà in prezzi al consumo, imploriamo i sindacati di non chiedere aumenti. Tanto valeva imporre un rialzo dei salari nei paesi emergenti (o una riduzione dei salari locali)... o no ?


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