Monday, February 28, 2011

Japanese Whitening Cream Oprah

ISM vs. Oil - The Grand Old

Back the "grand old man," Uncle Warren, who announces his intention to do some 'shopping company. Although not a trader, if Buffett wants to buy, it means that companies are at an affordable price. Or so minded investors, with crude firmly above 95 is thrown on the markets, taking advantage of some upgrades here and there by the broker. The relatively low volatility returns.
DJI +0.79% +0.56% SPX, Nasdaq +0.20% VIX 18:35 (-4.53%)

A little 'because North Africa is now "old news" and the risk of a shortage of crude oil is was averted by the Saudis, a little 'because the macro data are not so horrible, a little' because companies continue to publish results with some surprise, a little 'for M & A or in this case with the IPO Siemens' Osram think the IPO, the market gets in good and excellent meeting place.
CAC +0.98%, DAX +1.21%, +1.12% SMI, DJES50 +0.94% V2X 22.71 (-1.68%)

Crude Down, down on the dollar and especially the JPY, with great joy and satisfaction of the usual exporters. Japan joins the Sigh of relief oil (not so much geopolitical) and places a great session with a better recovery combining company news (including upgrades, and rumors of big business) and a general framework is not bad.
Nikkei +1.22%

The picture is similar for other Asian markets. Increased optimism about the U.S. macro data, for M & A and the escaped threat of an energy crisis that would damage the fragile global economic recovery.
Hang Seng +0.06%, Straits Time +1.61%, Taiwan +1.49%, Shanghai +0.50%, Sensex +1.85%

FX USDCHF 0.9312 (0.9268)
USDJPY 82.21 (81.65)
EURUSD 1.3811 (1.3759)
EURCHF 1.2863 (1.2753)
EURGBP 0.8487 (0.8540)
GBPUSD 1.6273 (1.6111)
GBPCHF 1.5154 (1.4934)

USD Libor 3 months 0.31% (0.31%)
USA tbill 3 months 0.13% (0.12%)
USA tbond 5 years 2.16% (2.13%)
Greece 10 years 11.94% (11.88%)

Gold 1414.70 (1413.85)
Crude 97.44 (99.57) 690.85
SPGS Commodity (690.56)
Baltic Dry Index 1251 (1245)

In the frenzy of the market in recent days, the announcement of Buffett, acceptable or not, still sounds timeless. Already had surprised everyone when he bought the company in the midst of the chaos colossal railway in 2008-2009. Now it is back again, as the markets rebounded and a great deal and announces the intention to buy again. Sometimes the emotions and the good name counts more than anything fundamental.

Sunday, February 27, 2011

Broadband Cold Weather

20110225 - We are a bit 'more confident (?)

After all the tension due to crude oil above 100 USD, there's the emirs who promise to compensate the Libyan share. Crude falls between 96 and 98 and the fear that this might influence negative gross domestic product is a bit 'less. From the macro point of view, the GDP data released under the expectations, but this is blamed on the stocks. So the market took advantage of good data in consumer confidence to score a good session. The drop in voltage is detected also by the volatility.
DJI +0.51% +1.06% SPX, Nasdaq +1.43% VIX 19:22 (-9.85%)

Europe, too, "reads" the decline of crude oil as a signal to not having to worry too much about what going beyond the shores of the Mediterranean. It focuses on various corporate ads from Volkswagen (+6.18%) and its sales in China, rather than St. Gobain (+5.52%) for good growth forecasts or Italy Telecom (+5.16%) for announcements of increases in dividends. The good faith of U.S. data complete the picture.
CAC +1.51%, DAX +0.77%, +0.33% SMI, DJES50 +1.22% V2X 10.23 (-7.54%)

For once the Japanese ignore the JPY firmly below 82 and focus instead on operations of Mizuho Securities (+12.05%) announcing its intention to purchase subsidiaries. At the same time, some exporters took advantage of the level of public confidence in the U.S. Friday to mark good numbers: Toyota
Nikkei +1.86% +0.92%

With Taiwan closed for holidays (day peace) take advantage of other markets this level euoria U.S. and Japanese markets. Related to the oil companies also are looking with some interest the crude oil back above 99 and considered the situation in the Middle East as an opportunity to improve margins that do not have a problem.
Hang Seng +0.79%, -0.16% Straits Time, Taiwan -%, Shanghai +0.62%, Sensex +1.35%

FX USDCHF 0.9268 (0.9249)
USDJPY 81.65 (81.91)
EURUSD 1.6759 (1.3823)
EURCHF 1.2753 (1.2786)
EURGBP 0.8540 (0.8563)
GBPUSD 1.6111 (1.6144)
GBPCHF 1.4934 (1.4934)

USD Libor 3 months 0.31% (0.31%)
USA tbill 3 months 0.12% (0.12%)
USA tbond 5 years 2.13% (2.20%)
Greece 10 years 11.88% (11.86%)

Gold 1413.85 (1407.39)
Crude 99.57 (97.90)
SPGS Commodity 690.56 (681.99 )
Baltic Dry Index 1245 (1242)

Sometimes the cynicism of the market is so much to give sick. Throughout the week the markets have suffered from the Libyan crisis and the risk of a spread of violence in other countries, especially in the Middle East. Then, just that oil will drop a few dollars from the highest and the sun shines again? Yet in the news do not read that the Rais has been deposed, in fact, that even in Oman (next to Yemen) There are complaints ... and crude oil is again close to 100.

Safe At Home Brazillian

backcountry skiing in Val di Susa

February 26, 2011 - Col de Vallon Creux m. 2552.
Da Pian del Frais m. 1500 ca.
The hill is located between the Punta della Valletta and the Grand Pela.
climbed up the hill into the valley direct. Some are even then rose to Punta Valletta. E 'rise, however, preferable from the Hill of Valletta and off the side where we went we that lends itself to a nice downhill.
recent snow, a lot, but quite heavy. In some short crust.
A lot of people on this point and the nearby Ciantiplagna.
In the photos of the climb and arrival times of the hill.

Saturday, February 26, 2011

How To Twist Testicle

Radiant Historia

Radiant Historia DS I meccanismi di viaggio nel tempo truly unique and very creative combat system allows Radiant Historia to give a breath of fresh air as rigurda role-playing games for the Nintendo DS.
Pro: Being able to travel through time makes this game even more fun and intriguing. The story is well written. The combat system is unique. Even the outline of the main story battles are very exciting. The presentation of the game is very nice and nostalgic.
Cons: The player is allowed little freedom of exploration. Sometimes going back in time can be a bit 'boring.

This was the review for Radiant Historia, while one below is the video trailer questo gioco per DS:

Voto: 8

Giochi di ruolo per DS

Se vi piacciono i giochi di ruolo per DS allora date un'occhiata anche a Giochi Nintendo DS: I più belli del 2010 , Dragon Quest VI: Realms of Revelation , Kingdom Hearts Re:coded , Pokemon Ranger: Guardian Signs , Etrian Odyssey III: The Drowned City , Dragon Quest IX: Sentinels of the Starry Skies e Pokemon White e Pokemon Black .

Giochi della settimana

Queste sono le altre recensioni che abbiamo pubblicato questa week: Viva Dungeon, Raid Dungeon , Bulletstorm , The Darkness II , PSP Games of War: The most desirable , Glory of Rome, Star Wars The Clone Wars: Republic Heroes , Test Drive Unlimited 2 and Trackmania: Race to Build .

Inexpensive Wedding Invitations

Critics Feverish (February 2011)

Toro y Moi - Underneath the Pine , call Chillwave, Glo-fi, Andatetuttiacagare (as the dear Ivic ns), the fact is that although it is a floppy disk, it can be considered at all the effects of a pleasant experience not perpetration than the n = 2 plays.
Maceo Plex - Life Index , disco dance very traditional but also very pleasant. In the wake of the monumental Robert Owens.
Earth - Angels of Darkness, Demons Of Light 1 , nice idea but when you have perpetrated more than twenty years without adding or changing a comma, a bit 'my balls will be smashed.
Yellow Ostrich - The Mistress , cisputosù
Veil Veil Vanish - Change In The Neon Light , even if it is too nice for the Cure. Do listen to ignorant to impress friends.
Dirtbombs - Party Store , translate into rock electronic music has been done many times before, and as a big surprise that Mick Collins almost relish how he had discovered the most brilliant of all time. It seems to listen to the Rapture.
Apes On Tapes - Foreplays , beautiful they are Italians, who are looking good and beautiful that it put a free download. But no more.
The Low Anthem - Smart Flesh , what story is that an increasing number of bands seem to want to emulate Bob Dylan in his final years old by imitating her voice babbiona?
Telekinesis - 12 Desperate Straight Lines , pretty hard. I appreciate them because they remind me of Pinback.
Gil Scott-Heron and Jamie XX - We're New Here, looking very hard. Worth for the mere fact that the head of the rhythms of XX which is proving one of the best performers of electronic music of our time. And the fact that decides to remix the great Gil Scott can only increase the respect that we have already in its comparisons.
Akron-Family - ST II The Cosmic Birth and Journey of TNT shinju , bothers to note that there are still young people who now believe to replicate the spirit of 60-70 years
Rumer - Seasons Of My Sou , perhaps a bit 'too Dusty Springfield, perhaps a bit' too Bacharach, perhaps a bit 'too retro, but this album is very nice cmq.

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Tattoos With White Outline

20110224 - 20110223

again articulated a day. Crude oil above 100 in the morning really gets European fear the risks for the fragile economic recovery, macro data at 14.30 and do nothing but put the confusion: the unemployment claims drop below 300k, but orders for durable goods disappoint, in seriously if you exclude defense goods and transportation. Later also the new houses come under the expectations, but in the meantime the oil back to 97, easing the tension.
DJI -0.31% -0.10% SPX, Nasdaq +0.54% VIX 21:31 (-3.66%)

One Wake Up with the crude oil to 103 due to the total uncertainty generated by the situation in North Africa. Potentially positive for some sectors, critical for those who count on huge cash injection to support the market. The dividend payment of some major titles also "drug" the movement of the indices: for example, Novartis lost 2.65 CHF, but pays dividend of 2.20 CHF.
CAC -0.09%, DAX -0.89%, -1.61% SMI, DJES50 -0.20%, 24.99 V2X (--%)

The situation on the oil improves bringing some hope that economic recovery will continue, and the JPY, having sunk to 81.63, tries to get back at least to the 82, giving a bit 'of oxygen to the exporters. With great timing, Credit Suisse enhances its forecast for Toyota (+2.18%), giving the meeting a positive picture.
Nikkei +0.71%

Well the other Asian markets. Again, everything revolves around the price of crude oil and to take advantage of the return below 100 are the titles that had suffered most in recent days as airlines.
Hang Seng +1.46%, Straits Time +1.15%, Taiwan +0.68%, Shanghai -0.43%, Sensex +0.53%

FX USDCHF 0.9249 (0.9285)
USDJPY 81.91 (82.07)
EURUSD 1.3823 (1.3753)
EURCHF 1.2786 (1.2770)
EURGBP 0.8563 (0.8481)
GBPUSD 1.3144 (1.6213)
GBPCHF 1.4934 (1.5057)

USD Libor 3 months 0.31% (0.31%)
USA tbill 3 months 0.12% (0.11%)
USA tbond 5 years 2.20% (2.18%)
Greece 10 years 11.86% (11.75%)

Gold 1407.39 (1409.00)
Crude 97.90 (99.06)
SPGS Commodity 681.99 (684.91)
Baltic Dry Index 1242 (1253)

The price of raw materials is a big problem: if the impact of materials agricultural commodities on inflation in developed economies is relatively low (at least compared to emerging economies), the price of energy means a few extra problems, especially in Europe and USA where the massive amount of liquidity immessa nel sistema deve essere monitorata con particolare attenzione dalle banche centrali per evitare che si trasformi in forte inflazione.

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Watch Southpark Online For Free

Oil - Crude Oil at 100!

Non bastavano i problemi nel nord Africa... ci voleva anche una HP (-9.62%) ad annunciare risultati così così, una Ford (-2.43%) a dover richiamare oltre 100k veicoli e la paura che il greggio al rialzo potrebbe strangolare la ripresa economica (inflazione senza ripresa... brivido). A sostenere il mercato, ovviamente, i titoli legati all'energia, con un +1.94%, unico settore positivo.
DJI -0.88%, SPX -0.61%, Nasdaq -0.94%, VIX 22.13 (+6.39% !!!)

Giornata di nuovo complex in European markets. In Libya, the insurgency continues and there are fears the domino effect on other countries of the region (in addition to those critics). Unlike the U.S., Europe weighs negatively basic materials sector, because of the problems present in the active areas at risk. OMV (-5.83%) is just one of several examples, but there are also mines suffer. Swiss holds only the index, thanks to super defensive like Novartis, Roche and Nestle.
CAC -0.92%, DAX -1.69%, +0.0% SMI, DJES50 -0.95% V2X 24.99 (+4.42%)

addition to the problems that are afflicting the North Africa, the returns to Japan problem analysis. The JPY is again used as currency of salvation (with the CHF), but with the JPY again very close to 82, for exporters things go wrong again. Obviously Japan does not even like to see the raw area 100.
Nikkei -1.19%

on the oil down and airlines and a lot of uncertainty. Asian markets, however, seem to take it less worse than the others and look to the future with some relief on U.S. markets, a slight recovery after the sharp falls of recent days.
Hang Seng +0.07%, Straits Time -0.07%, Taiwan +0.15%, Shanghai +0.32%, Sensex -1.35%

FX USDCHF 0.9285 (0.9378)
USDJPY 82.07 (82.67)
EURUSD 1.3753 (1.3692)
EURCHF 1.2770 (1.2840)
EURGBP 0.8481 (0.8459)
GBPUSD 1.6213 (1.6186)
GBPCHF 1.5057 (1.5179)

USD libor 3 mesi 0.31% (0.31%)
USA tbill 3 mesi 0.11% (0.11%)
USA tbond 5 anni 2.18% (2.15%)
Grecia 10 anni 11.75% (11.76%)

Oro 1409.00 (1398.74)
Greggio 99.06 (95.55)
SPGS Commodity 684.91 (670.26)
Baltic Dry Index 1253 (1279)

In questa situazione di crisi si notano diversi tratti "comuni" ad altre situazioni particolari. I tassi delle obbligazioni a lungo termine tedesche stanno scendendo, l'oro sta recuperando, JPY e CHF si rafforzano, gli azionari scendono and the spreads widen ... all classic signs of risk aversion. It is missing one: the dollar! and this could be another important signal.

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Interchangeable Garden Hand Tools

20110222 - 20110221

sentiment data at the beginning of the day seemed to sweep away the fears about the crisis in northern Africa, but the higher cost of oil has driven up world oil-linked securities, but in turn made fear that the higher cost will weigh on the recovery and brought down the price of copper. Some results below expectations by WalMart (-3.09%) and particularly HP (-0.9% in the day, -12% in after-market) have completed the picture of a really heavy day. Gaining volatility.
DJI -1.44% -2.05% SPX, Nasdaq -2.91%, VIX 20.80 (+26.60% !!!)

Seconda giornata di passione per i mercati europei dove gli occhi restano puntati alle sponde a sud del mediterraneo. Destano preoccupazione anche le navi da guerra iraniane che hanno attraversato il canale di Suez. Il greggio a livelli molto alti porta al ribasso i titoli delle compagnie aeree mentre in Italia un problema tecnico blocca l'apertura per ben 6 ore e mezza.
CAC -1.15%, DAX -0.05%, SMI -0.92%, DJES50 -0.96%, V2X 23.93 (+8.07%)

Anche i giapponesi sono preoccupati per l'escalation di violenza libica. Escalation che ha portato i prezzi del greggio a livelli tali da far pensare che impatteranno con la ripresa economica mondiale. Si finisce quindi con 4 titoli in perdita per ogni titolo in utile e come spesso accade, sono i titoli legati alle esportazioni a subire maggiormente.
Nikkei -0.80%

Sessioni più o meno tormentate anche sugli altri mercati asiatici, per gli stessi motivi che stanno spingendo gli investitori di mezzo mondo a mettere il piede sul freno e a scalare rischi dai portafogli.
Hang Seng -0.43%, Straits Time -0.65%, Taiwan -1.67%, Shanghai -0.05%, Sensex -0.12%

USDCHF 0.9378 (0.9474)
USDJPY 82.67 (83.34)
EURUSD 1.3692 (1.3588)
EURCHF 1.2840 (1.2873)
EURGBP 0.8459 (0.8404)
GBPUSD 1.6186 (1.6168)
GBPCHF 1.5179 (1.5317)

USD libor 3 mesi 0.31% (0.31%)
USA tbill 3 mesi 0.11% (0.09%)
USA tbond 5 anni 2.15% (2.19%)
Grecia 10 anni 11.76% (11.71%)

Oro 1398.74 (1400.40)
Greggio 95.55 (93.48)
SPGS Commodity 670.26 (657.62)
Baltic Dry Index 1279 (1295)

Il problema è che non si riesce nemmeno a "giocare a what if": difficile sapere se in Libia il governo riuscirà a reprimere la rivoluzione, se ci riuscisse gli impatti commerciali e il flusso migratorio, se non ci riuscisse, quale tipo di governo potrebbe instaurarsi e quale potrebbe essere l'impatto on other countries. Rather than risk their own uncertainty.
without neglecting the human problem, perhaps more serious than the cynicism of the market.

Monday, February 21, 2011

Ideal Nm Ultraviolet Detection Of Ringworm

2 Libya - Libya

Closed for the "President Day", but the future shows a bit 'too weak U.S. markets (-1.2% respectively).
DJI -%, SPX -%, Nasdaq -%, VIX 16:43 (-%)

ugly session for the European markets with particular negativity to those with greater number of companies active in Libya. The worsening situation in the north African country overloading titles such as ENI (-5.12%) and OMV (-4.45%) both oil companies. Subdued even some corporate results, ma l'attenzione è ora tutta rivolta al nord africa e la possibilità che altri paesi vadano in crisi sociopolitica.
CAC -1.44%, DAX -1.41%, SMI -0.50%, DJES50 -1.81%

Le cose non sembrano funzionare nemmeno in giappone. Anche in questo caso tutte le società con esposizione al medio oriente o al nord africa (dalle petrolifere alle società di ingegneria) sono sotto pressione e trascinano l'indice al ribasso. A complicare la situazione anche il primo calo nelle ultime settimane dell'indice Baltic Dry.
Nikkei -1.78%

Quadro simile anche per i mercati asiatici, preoccupati sia per gli interessi in Africa, sia per la situazione di "risk-off" un po' su tutti i paesi emergenti. Pesanti anche in questo caso le perdite per le società con particolari interessi nella regione e fuga degli investitori da tutti i mercati emergenti.
Hang Seng -1.92%, Straits Time -1.36%, Taiwan -1.87%, Shanghai -2.07%, Sensex -0.41%

USDCHF 0.9474 (0.9466)
USDJPY 83.34 (83.18)
EURUSD 1.3588 (1.3669)
EURCHF 1.2873 (1.2939)
EURGBP 0.8404 (0.8422)
GBPUSD 1.6168 (1.6231)
GBPCHF 1.5317 (1.5365)

USD libor 3 mesi 0.31% (0.31%)
USA tbill 3 mesi 0.09% (0.09%)
USA tbond 5 anni 2.19% (2.27%)
Grecia 10 anni 11.71% (11.72%)

Oro 1400.40 (1395.25)
Crude 93.48 (87.37)
SPGS Commodity 657.62 (657.62) (not price)
Baltic Dry Index 1295 (1301)

Gold up, dollar up, rates on government ... stock down, especially in emerging countries, spreads on credit, volatility in off ... that mean? it seems that financial markets are "using" the socio-political crisis Middle East and North Africa as a "trigger" for a return of risk aversion after days and weeks of "World of Barbie." The Libyan crisis could not have come at a worse time.

Mount And Blade - Liberty Or Death

snowshoe trip in Val d'Ayas

February 19 2011 - Blue Lake m. 2215. From St. Jacques
m. 1689.
snowshoe trip to enjoy a beautiful sunny day.
Going up and down the street for the summer trail.
course, the lake is frozen and you can not see the characteristic blue color.
nice setting with views over part of the Monte Rosa massif.
In the first picture, going up to the Pian di Verra. In the second
Pian di Verra Lower seen downstream. In the third and fourth
Black Rocks, Castor and Pollux views from the bridge and Lake Blue
last panorama of the area.

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Wrestling Promotion Generator

20110218 - 20110217

Again a difficult start, again because of the Chinese maneuvers, but this time the reserves, again a positive end, based on the earnings of Caterpillar (+2.42%) and some other companies, good course. The market does not let even discouraged by the socio-political problems in North Africa from possible problems with the Apple (-2.16%) or the companies related to agricultural commodities such as CF (-6.72%) want the risk of political control of prices, Look for the decline in Chinese demand.
DJI +0.59% +0.19% SPX, Nasdaq -0.21% VIX 16:43 (-0.96%)

flat market in Europe. China makes its mark and, unlike the U.S., there are no major companies to publish good results. Indeed: TomTom (-11.37%) announced a future rather flat, while Rentokil (-5.61%) publishes a loss. It's scary to even the announcement of the ECB (Lorenzo Bini Smaghi) about a possible rise in interest rates, and Trichet indicates that raising wages would be a grave mistake.
CAC +0.12%, DAX +0.29%, SMI +0.16% +0.11% DJES50

session rather divided on the Nikkei to grips with the rise in crude supports the various Inpex (+1.70%) and company tied black gold, some upgrades, but also the north African socio-political problems and add to the "Jasmine Revoluton" China (which we know little or nothing). Nikkei

Asian markets in any order. The move in China on the reserves without a bit 'all with a bitter taste, while the eyes remain focused on Africa's north, where China has made several investments in recent years. As always, any expected slowdown in China is reflected in the metals industry and in turn on all companies linked to the sector, from mining to aluminum producers.
Hang Seng -0.37%, Straits Time -0.42%, Taiwan -0.05%, Shanghai +0.90%, Sensex -0.19%

FX USDCHF 0.9466 (0.9501)
USDJPY 83.18 (83.29)
EURUSD 1.3669 (1.3598)
EURCHF 1.2939 (1.2921)
EURGBP 0.8422 (0.8412)
GBPUSD 1.6231 (1.6165)
GBPCHF 1.5365 (1.5360)

USD Libor 3 months 0.31% (0.31%)
USA tbill 3 months 0.09% (0.09%)
USA tbond 5 years 2.27% (2.29%)
Greece 10 years 11.72% (11.80%)

Gold 1395.25 (1384.70)
Crude 87.37 (86.17)
SPGS Commodity 657.62 (657.40)
Baltic Dry Index 1301 (1292)

Interestingly, the idea of Trichet: First let us not put the bill in the fact that a worker developing countries earn a fraction of a worker in the developed countries, then devalue the currency to try to get back to being competitive, then when the price of raw materials inizia a farsi sentire e probabilmente si trasformerà in prezzi al consumo, imploriamo i sindacati di non chiedere aumenti. Tanto valeva imporre un rialzo dei salari nei paesi emergenti (o una riduzione dei salari locali)... o no ?

Meridiani Miofasciali

Nintendo DS: The most beautiful of 2010

Among the games for the Nintendo DS that came out in 2010 here is a short list of those not to be missed. Let's start with Professor Layton and the Future Lost , the puzzle game created by Level 5. The story is perhaps one of the most interesting of the whole series, also questo gioco è caratterizzato da enigmi particolarmente ingegnosi, uno dei motivi principali per il quale questa serie di giochi è così apprezzata.

Al secondo posto della classifica dei giochi più belli del 2010 troviamo Dragon Quest IX: Sentinelle del Cielo , il gioco per Nintendo DS di ruolo sviluppato dalla Level 5 e prodotto dalla Square Enix. Quello che più colpisce di questo gioco è quanto siano sconfinate le sue ambientazioni ricche di particolari e di mostri di ogni genere. Questo gioco inoltre è notato di un valido sistema di livelli di difficoltà, in modo da permettere sia ai novizi che ai veterani di divertirsi.

Al terzo posto troviamo Alice in Wonderland , the Nintendo DS game developed by Etranges Dragonflies of action and produced by Disney Interactive Studios. The graphic style of this game is absolutely excellent and also offers the opportunity to play seglie between 4 different characters.

In fourth place there is another masterpiece of 2010, Call of Duty: Black Ops, the game first person shooter for the Nintendo DS created by Activision. In addition to a high-end graphics, this game differs from its predecessors in the series to an emotional definitely higher.

For the more nostalgic here Mario vs. Donkey Kong: Parapilla a Mini-Landia , il gioco platform 2D per DS creato dalla Nintedo. Dotato di un sistema di editor di livelli che lo rende praticamente di longevità infinita, questo gioco è particolarmente divertente ed è accompagnato da una colonna sonora davvero piacevole.

La Lego non poteva mancare in questa classifica, infatti, oltre a creare mattoncini, è l'ispiratrice anche videogiochi dall'ironia spiccata e dal divertimento assicurato. Al sesto posto troviamo LEGO Harry Potter: Anni 1–4 , il gioco per Nintendo DS prodotto dalla Warner Bros. Interactive Entertainment. Questo gioco riesce sapientemente a riprodurre la stessa atmosfera dei film di Harry Potter ai quali si ispira e contiene ambientazioni molto vaste da esplorare. Il gameplay è reso ancora più vario dalll'utilizzo della magia.

E poteva forse mancare Pikachu in questa classifica? Certo che no, ed ecco Pokemon Heart Gold e Pokemon Soul Silver al settimo posto. Si tratta di un remake di 2 dei più belli giochi del passato sui Pokemon. Questa riedizione è stata arricchita e notevolmente migliorata, sia dal punto di vista grafico che sonoro. Per quanto riguarda i contenuti, infine, questo gioco è talmente tanto ricco da avere una longevità pressochè infinita.

All'ottavo posto della classifica troviamo Wario Ware D.I.Y. , il gioco action created by the Nintendo DS. This is a very particular game that will give vent to your creativity. His particular level editor also makes it virtually infinite.

ninth find Golden Sun: The Dark Alba, role-playing game for the Nintendo DS created by Camelot. It 's a game suited to all fans of role-playing games, this is, in fact, one of the best ever. The combat system and the soundtrack is of a high level and to present to solve the puzzles are quite clever and stimulating.

In closing lcassifica of the best games for the Nintendo DS came out in 2010 are another role-playing game, Final Fantasy: The 4 Heroes Of Light developed by Matrix Software and produced by Square Enix. The graphic style of this game is unique and the soundtrack is very enjoyable and engaging. Among the notes on this game also purchased the gameplay well structured.

RPG for DS

If you like RPGs for the DS then take a look also at Dragon Quest VI: Realms of Revelation , Kingdom Hearts Re: coded , Pokemon Ranger: Guardian Signs , Etrian Odyssey II: The Drowned City , Dragon Quest IX: Sentinels of the Starry Skies , Pokemon Pokemon Black and White and Golden Sun: Dark Dawn .

Games of the week

These are the other reviews that we published this week: Fantasy Games Online: The best games of the moment , Ridge Racer Accelerated , PS3 Action: The ranking of the most beautiful always , PC Adventure Games: The most beautiful of the last 10 years , Phantom Brave: The Triangle Hermuda , Diner Dash, Cars Race-O-Rama , Xbox 360 Output: the most expected in 2011 and Games Wii Shooter: The ranking of the most desirable .

Friday, February 18, 2011

Where Is Miami From I Love Money 2

Dragon Quest VI: Realms of Revelation

Dragon Quest VI: Realms of Revelation DS La serie di giochi Dragon Quest ritorna su Nintendo DS. Questo gioco di ruolo per DS è stato sviluppato dalla ArtePiazza e prodotto dalla Nintendo.
In Giappone Dragon Quest è una delle serie di giochi più amata in assoluto, ma anche in altre parti del mondo dobbiamo dire che questo titolo sta riscuotendo parecchio successo. Questo remake realizzato appositamente per DS permette di poter rivivere questa magica avventura con una grafica rinnovata e con un gameplay originale.
Dragon Quest VI: Realms of Revelation è un classico gioco di ruolo a turni incentrato su un'epica avventura e su incontri con mostri di ogni genere a cui dovrete far fronte per proseguire nel vostro cammino.
Above we showed you the cover for Dragon Quest VI: Realms of Revelation, while below we show the video with the trailer for this game for Nintendo DS:

RPG for DS

If you like RPGs for the DS then take a look also at Kingdom Hearts Re: coded , Pokemon Ranger: Signs Guardian, Etrian Odyssey II: The Drowned City , Dragon Quest IX: Sentinels of the Starry Skies , Pokemon Pokemon Black and White , Golden Sun: Dark and Dawn Final Fantasy: The Heroes of Light 4.

Games weeks

These are the other reviews that we published this week: The Lord of the Rings Online: Rise of Isengard , Raging Thunder 2, Test Drive Unlimited 2 , The Cursed Crusade , Ys I & , II Chronicles and Big Business.
Earlier we also discussed Dragon Age 2: The Prince in Exile , Body and Brain Connection , Martial Empires: The Catastrophe of Babylon , Perfect World International: Genesis , Sugar Cube and Rank : The Videogame .

Milena Velbawithfriends

Sci-Climbing in Val Sangone

February 18, 2011 - Punta Aquila m. 2115. From Alpe
Colombino m. 1260.
After less than two months we are back to L'Aquila.
are only two because it is Wednesday '(day fees for group tours) as in the days before there was bad weather.
beautiful weather, mild temperatures.
fresh snow, which fell in the two previous days, which was deposited in the previous compact.
So beautiful skiing on powder snow.
In the first two photos of the recent snowfall has left its mark.
In the third scene is with the Ro-val Sangone
Binet and Rocciavrè Rocciamelone in the Susa Valley and Lera Ciamarella and in the valleys of Lanzo. In the other 3
Vittorio uphill to the summit and just before the descent.

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Pcr Temperature Calculation

China and North Africa - Evolution Data

L'inizio è difficile. I dati macro pre apertura indicano un'inflazione leggermente più alta delle attese e più richieste di sussidio di disoccupazione del previsto. Più tardi però, arrivano i buoni dati della FED di Philadelphia sul quadro economico rispettivamente gli indici di fiducia dei consumatori, sempre negativo, ma meno peggio di prima. Grazie a qualche previsione di vendita migliorata, gli indici riescono a recuperare e a portarsi in territorio positive.
DJI +0.24% +0.31% SPX, Nasdaq -0.02% VIX 16:59 (-0.78%)

earnings season continues in Europe and in general the data are interesting. To spoil the party and keep the indexes around the same way, the new tensions in the Middle East with rumors concerning Iranian warships in the Suez Canal (later disproved, but so much so). The problems are being felt with strong CHF ABB (-3.32%) and Schindler (-6.12%) to complain about the problems.
CAC +0.03%, DAX -0.12%, -0.08% SMI, DJES50 +0.09%

If Japan fails to stabilize the JPY above 83.50, the Baltic Dry continues its rebound, with the idea that economic recovery will increase the demand for shipments. The various agents to sign and then put a good performance but the index is retained by the idea that some sectors like insurance, has risen a little 'beyond expectations.
Nikkei +0.06%

of Taiwan after a series of corporate results and forecasts, it is the turn of the macro data. These show, however, a growing economy and, for once, investors welcomed the news well instead of thinking about the rates. This is also thanks to the rising Won that would still mitigate any inflationary pressures. Well the other countries, apart from Shanghai, which rebates a bit 'performance in recent days.
Hang Seng +1.04%, Straits Time +0.75%, Taiwan +1.84%, Shanghai -0.92%, Sensex +0.05%

USDCHF 0.9501 (0.9587)
USDJPY 83.29 (83.58)
EURUSD 1.3598 (1.3573)
EURCHF 1.2921 (1.3013)
EURGBP 0.8412 (0.8427)
GBPUSD 1.6165 (1.6106)
GBPCHF 1.5360 (1.5442)

USD libor 3 mesi 0.31% (0.31%)
USA tbill 3 mesi 0.09% (0.11%)
USA tbond 5 anni 2.29% (2.34%)
Grecia 10 anni 11.80% (11.86%)

Oro 1384.70 (1377.60)
Greggio 86.17 (85.06)
SPGS Commodity 657.40 (653.89)
Baltic Dry Index 1292 (1271)

report only the interesting site and their application to sell the evolution of some economic parameters over time for different countries ... very interesting.

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Informal Birthday Invitation Opening

20110216 - 20110215 Weather FED

U.S. macro data are not exceptional. Next to a start on real activity (in line with the contracts in December), it is also a setback for the industrial production and producer prices rise and the capacity utilization remains at 76% area, thereby influencing the world of work. The Fed said in the evening, however, more optimistic about the economic framework and a flow of M & A and some good results leading indexes upward, but together, the volatility.
DJI +0.50% +0.63% SPX, Nasdaq +0.67% VIX 16.72 (+2.14%)

New interesting day for the financial sector. SocGen (+4.86%) and drag all the good public sector (BNP published in the night, also good), she is accompanied by other titles such as Heineken (+3.12%). Tensions on pigs are reduced further by a doubling of the rescue fund and this allows banks from Spain and Portugal to join the party.
CAC +1.00%, DAX +0.19%, SMI +0.31% +1.04% DJES50

The outlook for the Fed is also the impact that despite Japan l'ascesa della Cina continua a trovare negli USA un grande sbocco per i propri mercati. Sono quindi gli esportatori a trascinare l'indice al rialzo, approfittando anche di uno jpy che pur un po' rafforzato "resiste" in area 83.60.
Nikkei +0.26%

Meno brillanti gli altri mercati asiatici nonostante il buon outlook USA. Da una parte persiste il rischio di un rialzo dei tassi, dall'altra, nonostante la maggior parte degli analisti continui a predire che gli emergenti sono il mercato del futuro, al momento le preferenze sembrano più rivolte ai mercati sviluppati che stanno, in parte, recuperando un po' del terreno perso.
Hang Seng 0.00%, Straits Time -0.42%, Taiwan -0.33%, Shanghai -0.31%, Sensex +0.28%

FX USDCHF 0.9587 (0.9628)
USDJPY 83.58 (83.70)
EURUSD 1.3573 (1.3524)
EURCHF 1.3013 (1.3022)
EURGBP 0.8427 (0.8369)
GBPUSD 1.6106 (1.6159)
GBPCHF 1.5442 (1.5558 )

USD Libor 3 months 0.31% (0.31%)
USA tbill 3 months 0.11% (0.12%)
USA tbond 5 years 2.34% (2.35%)
Greece 10 years 11.86% (11.80%)

Gold 1377.60 ( 1373.90)
Crude 85.06 (84.54)
SPGS Commodity 653.89 (649.77)
Baltic Dry Index 1271 (1236)

But really! if things go well in China, then the market goes down because The BoC will raise rates ... if things go well in the U.S., with the market already supported by tons of liquidity provided by the Fed, then the markets go? Ben will continue to pour billions into the coffers of the state even with good data? Some analysts began to think that the "goldilocks" (no liquidity and inflation) is almost over.

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Dvd Player Rating Label

- Influenza (what can not ... Soros)

Exxon (-2.28%) announced that the ratio of known reserves is important, but is largely due to the acquisition of XTO: investors do not take kindly. Then comes that Soros announced that its hedge funds have downloaded Monsanto (-4.78%): in this case, the investors get hurt. The rest think the data on retail sales a bit 'disappointing and it is unclear whether a growth problem or for the usual bad weather.
DJI -0.34% -0.32% SPX, Nasdaq -0.15% VIX 16:37 (+2.63%)

Double play: on one side of the economy ministers agree to double the bail-out fund, giving oxygen to the PIGS, the other the good results of Barclays (+5.79%) and Danone (+3.33%) continue to confirm the good fortune of corporate earnings. Some problems on raw materials instead, a little restaurant that 'their performance in recent days.
CAC +0.33%, DAX +0.05%, SMI +0.37% +0.40% DJES50

JPY tries again: back to closer to 84 and begins to hope to investors that the future is more than rosy. At the same time get some upgrades from the brokerage houses that allow certain titles to drag the group: Sumitomo (+2.44%), Sony (+2.51%) ... thank you.
Nikkei +0.57%

Asian markets stagnating, with hk trying to rebuild after the setbacks of recent days, along with Shanghai, although a little 'tired' manages to stay afloat. Negatives (again) so that Taiwan Singapore, despite Dell's suppliers can benefit from the results of the computer company.
Hang Seng +0.62%, Straits Time -0.17%, Taiwan -0.10%, Shanghai +0.21%, Sensex +0.03%

FX USDCHF 0.9628 (0.9689)
USDJPY 83.70 (83.54)
EURUSD 1.3524 (1.3517)
EURCHF 1.3022 (1.3096) 0.8369 EURGBP
GBPUSD 1.6159 (1.6043)
GBPCHF 1.5558 (1.5544)

USD Libor 3 months 0.31% (0.31%)
USA tbill 3 months 0.12% (0.12%)
USA tbond 5 years 2.35% (2.37%)
Greece 10 years 11.80% (11:58%)

Gold 13373.90 (1366.03)
Crude 84.54 (85.21)
SPGS Commodity 649.77 (656.80)
Baltic Dry Index 1236 (1206)

They take bad traders "Born in the USA". Deutsche Boerse has bought the NYSE. But as the Europeans, Germans even, will include the time of U.S. capitalism? Indeed at first glance seem to do much harm, in fact, the amount of economic activity that has been exported in recent years, especially to emerging markets, goes well beyond the NYSE. Perhaps it's looking a bit 'over the surface.

Monday, February 14, 2011

Beard Laser Sculpting

20110214 - China, but what we consume?

We'll come back to China, providing data of great import and export, both exploded beyond expectations. The thought must be immediately to the amount of commodities that China needs to import, process and export in the form of products. On raw materials, all securities related business with Energy (+2.11%) and Materials (+1.03%) to remove all the others.
DJI -0.04% +0.24% SPX, Nasdaq +0.27% VIX 15.95 (+1.66%)

The picture is more or less similar to the U.S., with raw materials that make up the locomotive to the other sectors . Some difficulties for the financial sector back to reflect on the problems of the peripheral countries. Finally, a set of corporate results and upgrade / downgrade offers some 'noise' below. Egypt now seems a distant problem.
CAC -0.11%, DAX +0.34%, SMI +0.01% -0.20% DJES50

not only come the Chinese data, ma anche qualcosa sull'inflazione, che pur restando alta per gli standard occidentali (4.6%) è comunque nettamente inferiore alle attese (5.4%). Se ne vanno le paure di un forte restringimento monetario e torna l'idea di una crescita guidata dal colosso cinese.
Nikkei +0.20%

Il quadro è simile anche sugli altri paesi asiatici dove Shanghai, finalmente, si prende la sua rivincita. Sono meno brillanti Hong Kong e Singapore che vedono il tasso di inflazione cinese sì inferiore alle attese, ma comunque sufficientemente alto da portare ad una manovra sui tassi di interesse.
Hang Seng -0.45%, Straits Time -0.63%, Taiwan +0.42%, Shanghai +1.02%, Sensex -0.23%

FX USDCHF 0.9689 (0.9730)
USDJPY 83.54 (83.18)
EURUSD 1.3517 (1.3552)
EURCHF 1.3096 (1.3187)
EURGBP 0.8425 (0.8431)
GBPUSD 1.6043 (1.6073)
GBPCHF 1.5544 (1.5639)

USD Libor 3 months 0.31% (0.31%)
USA tbill 3 months 0.12% (0.11%) 2:37
USA tbond 5 years% (2.37%)
Greece 10 years 11:58% (11:52%)

Gold 1366.03 (1359.48)
Crude 85.21 ( 85.72)
SPGS Commodity 656.80 (652.93)
Baltic Dry Index 1206 (1178)

Basiel III effects are felt and Credit Suisse announced the arrival of its contingency bond. In general, high coupon risk and "only" in the event that some parameters of the budget falls below a certain threshold. Several interesting factors: in addition to the classic "but that parameter will never be so low" by investors eager for a good 80 CPN-style, up to the fact that the "trigger" will change the very parameters that trigger . Be followed carefully!

Sunday, February 13, 2011

Spongebob Quotes Invitation Words

20110211 - Egypt, GDP and Trust


News Egypt incoming sweep away the fears of investors who feel reassured by the data related to trust (75.1 vs 75) . It is a framework in which the majority part of the securities is at ease and only the few that are missing the estimate or revise forecasts downward suffer. These include Kraft (-1.47%) and Expedia (-17.05%), but otherwise, in general, is a feast. Egypt also removed the catch, the volatility returns to its lowest close in December.
DJI +0.36% +0.55% SPX, Nasdaq +0.63% VIX 15.69 (-2.49%)

News macro concern Egypt, where investors are confident that the military can rapidly put in place "everything." On the micro front, to make headlines is Nokia (-14.21%) with investors who do not appreciate (all) the agreement with Microsoft for operating systems. To Otherwise, the markets rely on U.S. news and announcements of car (sales in Asia) to recover the initial losses.
CAC +0.15%, DAX +0.42%, SMI +0.80% -0.04% DJES50

We are the usual. The market is enhanced because GDP fell less than expected (-1.1% vs -2.0%) but seems not to notice that the previous data has been increased from 4.5% to 3.3% ... so be it. The euphoria of the data on gross domestic product, the removal of fears of a crisis across the whole Middle East brings the index to a good performance earlier in the week.
Nikkei +1.13%

Hosni finally throws in the towel and leaves the country in the hands of the military junta. The situation "normalizes" and investors seem to like to go back to emerging markets in recent weeks unloaded in a hurry.
Hang Seng +1.47%, Straits Time +1.08%, Taiwan +0.88%, Shanghai +2.66%, Sensex +2.02%

FX USDCHF 0.9730 (0.9694)
USDJPY 83.18 (83.50)
EURUSD 1.3552 (1.3564)
EURCHF 1.3187 (1.3148)
EURGBP 0.8431 (0.8456)
GBPUSD 1.6073 (1.6041)
GBPCHF 1.5639 (1.5550)

USD Libor 3 months 0.31% (0.31%)
USA tbill 3 months 0.11% (0.11%)
USA tbond 5 years 2:37% (2.39%)
Greece 10 years 11:52% (11:41%)

Oro 1359.48 (1361.95)
Greggio 85.72 (87.20)
SPGS Commodity 562.93 (654.68)
Baltic Dry Index 1178 (1136)

Forse sono troppo pessimista, ma a me "il paese in mano alla corte suprema militare" non suona per niente bene. Probabilmente conosco troppo poco il ruolo dei militari in Egitto, ma dalle notizie risulta che siano stati loro a sparare sulla folla.
Interessante il fatto che i mercati abbiano letto la situazione in modo del tutto positivo. Non oso quindi pensare a quali fossero le alternative.

Saturday, February 12, 2011

Sample Home Page Of Any Famous Person

PJ Harvey - Let England Shake

reactions to my text messages sent to multiple addresses in which he writes:
"Last PJ Harvey is remarkable,"
Reply # 1: "Come on! I never would have said "
Answer # 2: "Sure is not the usual pain in the ass?"
The same evening some call 'friends at my house, including a fair percentage of music connoisseurs. I try to see what effect "Let England Shake" making it play on my stereo without telling them what it is.
After a couple of tracks someone wakes up from the lethargic effects of beer and asks, "What album is this? Very nice ..."
"I do not believe it," I say. "It 's the last of PJ Harvey"
"Noooo, come on. Impossible"
"I do not even appear to her. But that voice?"
"Eh eh"

remarks in the margin: "Let England Shake" does not resemble any of the discs produced to date da PJ, né a quelli del periodo d'oro risalenti al periodo dell'ormai perduta innocenza artistica e tanto meno a quelli noiosi del secondo periodo, rovinati dall'insensato tentativo di somigliare a Nick Cave. Tolti sporadici esperimenti vocali (come nel caso di "On Battleship Hill"), PJ ha una voce sorprendentemente simile a quella di Sheryl Crow. Il paragone, lo so, non è il massimo, ma l'effetto è comunque piacevole.

Pokemondeluge Where Can I Buy Stone

Pro Evolution Soccer 2011 3D

Pro Evolution Soccer 2011 3D 3DS Are you ready for a total involvement in a football game more beautiful in the world? Pro Evolution Soccer 2011 is a 3D soccer simulation game for Nintendo 3DS developed by Konami and released in Japan in late February.
Play 3D Pro Evolution Soccer 2011 will be even easier and more enjoyable by the sense of depth that this new jewel of the Nintendo has to offer. This new title will look like much on drill for PC and console versions, as compared to that for the 'old' DS is not just comparison, besides the fact of 3D, graphics, and the achievement of the players is much more detailed and realistic: a truly momentous leap for the handheld console from Nintendo.
Above we showed you the cover of Pro Evolution Soccer 2011 3D, while below we show the video with the trailer for this game for 3DS:

Football Games for DS

This is the first football game for Nintendo DS, which we published in this blog, please come back, we expect other features.

Games of the week

These are the other reviews that we published this week: Wakfu , Real Racing 2 , Trinity: Souls of Zill O'll , Gods & Heroes: Rome Rising , Tactics Ogre: Let Us Cling Together , Paradise Life and Painkiller: Redemption .
Earlier we also discussed Astro Boy: The Video Game , Dead Space 2, Gray Matter, Dying for Daylight , Lucent Heart 's Kisses and Pucca Game .